
  • 网络functional analysis;function analysis;function analysis approach;functional perspective;function approach
  1. 功能分析法是法学等社会科学用来分析社会现象的一种重要方法。

    Functional analysis is used to analyze social phenomenon of social science of a kind of method .

  2. 第三部分综合采用功能分析法和素质能力法,进行了分公司会计人员能力框架的设计。

    The third part will design the competency framework of accountant combining the method of functional analysis and competency of quality .

  3. 运用功能分析法揭示ATC换刀的基本规律,根据换刀动作和方向性提出换刀动作类型以及动作顺序,作为加工中心动作综合以及运动方案设计的基础。精密磨床主轴回转误差补偿技术的研究

    This work serves as the basis of mechanism motion synthesis and scheme design of machining centers . Researches on Compensation Technology of Spindle Rotation Error Motion in Precision Grinding

  4. 本篇论文研究提出了一种运载火箭姿态控制系统的故障分析法,称为故障-功能分析法(简称为F-FAM)。

    This paper proposes a failure diagnosis method , called failure-function analysis method ( F-FAM ), for an attitude control system in a carrier rocket .

  5. 热力系统优化的热经济性功能分析法

    Functional Method of Heat Economy Analysis for Optimizing Thermal Power Systems

  6. 基于功能分析法的楔横轧机方案设计

    Scheme Design for Cross Wedge Rolling on the Basis of Functional Analyses

  7. 然后介绍了目前用于能力研究的两种主要方法,功能分析法和素质能力法,并对他们各自的优缺点和他们之间的差异做出论述。

    I point out the difference between the two approach and the advantages and disadvantages of each approach .

  8. 社会技能研究方法的研究主要包括对现有社会技能评定量表和测量方法的分析与评价以及对新的社会技能研究方法&最小可觉差法和功能分析法的特征分析和有效性评价。

    Some new research methods in social skills such as the Just Noticeable Difference and Functional Analysis Approach also reviewed in the paper .

  9. 在研究方法上,本文总体上运用了理论分析、现实分析、比较分析和功能分析法。

    As far as research approach is concerned , the author uses theory analysis , reality analysis , comparing analysis and analytic approach of function generally .

  10. 以系统的观点,采用功能分析法这一现代机械系统设计方法进行分析设计。

    In the view of system , the function analysis method , which is one of the modern mechanical system design methods , has been adopted to analyze and design the equipment .

  11. 然后通过功能分析法在对异地同步互动网络教学活动分析和教室空间分析的基础上,提出教学功能需求和教室空间需求。

    And then through the function analysis in the long-distance synchronous activity analysis and the interactive teaching network classroom , on the basis of spatial analysis , put forward the teaching function demand and classroom space requirements .

  12. 采用功能分析法这一现代机械系统设计方法,通过对总功能的分解和功能元的组合,得到了铜铝管焊接系统的功能结构,进而得到其形态学矩阵。

    To adopt function analysis method-this modern mechanical system design method to gain function structure of welding system of copper-aluminum pipe and further gain its morphology matrix through analyzing of general function and the combination of function cell .

  13. 该模型以对象系统的结构分级为基础,使用作者提出的征兆分析法、功能分析法和综合信号分析法等三种具体诊断方法,得到了分层适应诊断的层次诊断模型。

    Based on the structure hierarchy of object system , this model integrates three methods for systematic fault diagnosis ; Symptom Analysis Method ( SAM ), Function Analysis Method ( FAM ) and Comprehensive Signal Analysis Method ( CSAM ) .

  14. 小车方案的优化实际上就是起升机构方案的优化,本文运用功能分析法和层次分析法对起升机构方案从定量和定性两方面进行分析,得到最优方案。(2)卷筒的轻量化方法研究。

    The paper utilizes the fuction analysis method and analytic hierarchy process to analyse the scheme of hoisting mechanism from the quantitative and qualitative aspects , and get the optimal scheme . ( 2 ) Research on the lightweight method of drum .

  15. 通过市场调研与分析,对摩托车的开发进行市场定位,对摩托车的造型进行了概念设计,应用功能分析法进行方案综合与选择,并制作完成了全尺寸物理油泥模型。

    After the market investigation and analysis , the market for the motorcycle development is given , the conceptual design for motorcycle modeling is completed , the schemes are compared and chosen by function analysis and the full-size physical clay model is made .

  16. 在此基础上建立了C3I系统的性能指标计算模型,并尝试用功能层次分析法对C3I系统模型性能进行评估。

    Moreover the paper establishes calculate model of C ~ 3I system performance index , and try to evaluate the performance of C ~ 3I system model by functional levels analytical method .

  17. 本文采用带自调节功能层次分析法,将影响泵站工程老化的诸多因素进行层次分析比较,确定指标权重;

    Ascertaining the weight of indexes through applying analytical hierarchy process .

  18. 价值功能综合分析法在评标中的运用

    Application of Value and Function System Analysis in Bid Evaluation

  19. 基于特征类比的改进功能点分析法

    The Improved Function Point Analysis Based on Analogy of Software System Characteristics

  20. 改进型功能点分析法在软件估算中的应用

    Improved function point analysis 's application in software evaluation

  21. 功能点分析法是一种使用非常广泛的软件规模估算方法。

    Function Point Analysis is a widely used estimation method for measuring software size .

  22. 运用功能成本分析法降低建筑工程材料成本

    To reduce material cost of building engineering according to the principle of function-cost analysis

  23. 功能分析设计法是工程设计中探求原理方案的一种有效方法。

    Functional analysis is an effective method in engineering to obtain a principle scheme .

  24. 金融中介机构的功能是功能分析法的前提,因而是本章的重点。

    We concludes this chapter by emphasizing the functions of financial intermediaries .

  25. 英语语篇中的主位组织&系统功能语篇分析法

    Thematic Organization Throughout English Texts & A Systemic-functional Approach to Text Analysis

  26. 最后本文将功能-信息分析法应用于具体系统分析实例中。

    Finally the method is applied to a concrete example of system analysis .

  27. 数据流分析的功能&信息分析法

    Function-Information Analysis Method for Data Flow Analysis

  28. 本文介绍了一种数据流分析技术,功能-信息分析法。

    A method for data flow analysis is introduced in this paper , Function-Information Analysis Method .

  29. 应用GIS的空间分析功能,利用层次分析法对植物园整个空间格局进行了综合评价、对空间要素进行了质量评价。

    Applying spatial analysis techniques and AHP methods to assess the comprehensive effect of spatial patterns of Botanic Garden and qualitative effect of spatial elements .

  30. 评估人体糖代谢功能的红外热像分析法

    Infrared Thermography Analysis for Accessing Human Glucose Metabolism Function