
pōu fù shù
  • laparotomy;celiotomy;ventrotomy;coeliotomy
剖腹术[pōu fù shù]
  1. 纤维结肠镜在剖腹术中的应用(附28例分析)

    Application of fibrocolonoscopy in laparotomy ( analysis of 28 cases )

  2. 目的探讨小儿剖腹术后粘连性肠梗阻的发生原因与防范措施。

    Ten-year Retrospective Study of Adhesive Ileus After Laparotomy in Children ;

  3. 目的:评价剖腹术中纤维内镜的应用价值;

    Objective : To evaluate the application of gastrointestinal endoscopy in laparotomy .

  4. 剖腹术后腹腔内气体还可以遗留一至二天。

    Intra-abdominal gas can persist for a day or two following celiotomy .

  5. 急性结肠直肠病变患者濒死时剖腹术是否有意义?

    Laparotomy for acute colorectal conditions in moribund patients : Is it worthwhile ?

  6. 损伤控制剖腹术治疗严重胰腺损伤19例

    Damage control operation for severe pancreatic trauma : a retrospective analysis of 19 cases

  7. 热凝切割刀应用于剖腹术的随机化对照研究电热手术刀在妇产科手术中的应用

    Randomized comparative study of hemostatic scalpel in abdominal surgery Application of Hemostatic Scalpel in Operations in Obstetrics and Gynecology

  8. 剖腹术是绝大多数急性膈疝病人首选的手术方法。

    Laparotomy can be considered as the first operative approach to be chosen for most patients of acute traumatic diaphragmatic hernia .

  9. 因有腹部包块诊断不明或不能除外肿瘤时亦需行剖腹术。

    The exploratory laparotomy also should be performed on the patients with abdominal mass or those whose diagnosis of neoplasm could not be ruled out .

  10. 结果异烟肼致假性肠梗阻6例,其中2例行剖腹术,4例行保守治疗,2例术中探查后发现为假性梗阻,4例行保守治疗成功。

    The 2 operation cases are found to be intestinal pseudo obstruction . After our treatment and operations , all these 6 cases have been cured successfully .

  11. 手术过程:剖腹术后游离总胆管,用5/0线结扎,最后关腹。

    Operative procedures : Following a midline incision , the common bile duct was exposed and then ligated with 5-0 silk , abdominal incision was closed in the end .

  12. 结果:两组在年龄、体重、剖腹术史、囊肿大小、病理类型等方面差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results : There were no differences in age , body weight , previous laparotomy , the size of cysts , operating time and rupture rates of cysts between two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 目的探讨剖腹产术后的放置最有效、副作用最少的宫内节育器(IUD)。

    Objective To evaluate most effectively and least side-effect IUD after the caesarean birth .

  14. 剖腹产术后子宫放置吉妮IUD临床效果观察

    The Observation of the Clinical Effect on Inserting Gyne IUD into the Matrix after the Caesarean Birth

  15. Hartmann手术23例,单纯结肠造口术5例,回肠-横结肠吻合术2例,剖腹探查术1例。

    23 Hartmann operation ; 5 colostomy ; two ileocolic anastomosis and one exploratory laparotomy .

  16. 再手术方式分别为胆总管端端吻合术、胆总管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术、剖腹止血术、EST、胆总管切开取石术。

    Cases were cystic duct fistula . The reoperation-styles were as follows : choledochocholedochostomy , Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy , laparotomy of hematischesis , EST , choledocholithotomy .

  17. 她因为难产,要做剖腹产术。

    It was a difficult birthshe had to have a caesarean .

  18. 地塞米松在剖腹产术后镇痛中的临床观察

    Clinical observation of dexamethasone administration on the postoperative epidural analgesia

  19. 行剖腹产术分娩一男性胎儿。

    A cesarean section was performed and a male baby was deliered .

  20. 对照组仅做剖腹探查术。

    In the control group , laparotomy was performed simply .

  21. 本文统计分析剖腹产术15131例。

    A series of 15,131 cases of cesarean section during 1959 & 1978 was analysed .

  22. 结果本组急诊剖腹探查术的确诊率及手术止血率均为100%。

    Results Both the diagnostic rate and hemostasis rate by emergency exploratory laparotomy were 100 % .

  23. 行剖腹探查术6例。

    Cases were treated by laparotomy .

  24. 目的探讨小切口剖腹探查术在结核性腹膜炎中的诊断及治疗价值。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of small incision exploratory laparotomy in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculous peritonitis .

  25. 例1行剖腹探查术后因多脏器功能衰竭死亡;

    Patient 1 was misdiagnosed as secondary peritonitis and died of multiple organ failure ( MOF ) after laparotomy .

  26. 消化道大出血急诊剖腹探查术中纤维内镜的应用研究

    Application Study of Intraoperative Endoscopy during the Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy in the Patients with Acute Massive Digestive Tract Bleeding

  27. 方法回顾性分析应用剖腹探查术结合术中肠镜检查对12例急性下消化道出血并失血性休克患者诊治的临床资料。

    Methods The clinical data of 12 cases with acute lower digestive tract hemorrhage associated with shock were analyzed retrospectively .

  28. 硬膜外罗哌卡因用于剖腹产术后镇痛的最低运动阻滞浓度C-反应蛋白的检测对剖腹产术后患者监护的探讨

    The minimal local analgesic concentration of epidural ropivacaine for cesarean patients C-reactive protein levels for Caesarean birth surgery 's analysis

  29. 目的探讨剖腹产儿术后少奶期全母乳喂养所存在的问题。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of full breast_feeding in milk deficit period after operation on newborns delivered through Caesarean operation .

  30. 序贯法测定第一产程分娩镇痛中罗哌卡因最小运动阻滞浓度硬膜外罗哌卡因用于剖腹产术后镇痛的最低运动阻滞浓度

    Determination of the minimal motor block local analgesic concentration of ropivacaine for analgesia in the first stage of labor by sequential procedure