
  • 网络upfront fee
  1. IHS高级总监安德鲁o拉斯维勒说:(这款该产品)的大部分成本是非材料成本,包括非经常性工程费用、大量的软件和平台开发,以及刀具加工成本和其他前期费用。

    The vast majority of its cost is tied up in non-material costs that include non-recurring engineering expenses , extensive software and platform development , as well as tooling costs and other upfront outlays , said IHS senior director Andrew Rassweiler .

  2. 若能如此,则不出一代人的时间,效益便可抵消前期费用。

    The results would offset the upfront costs in less than one generation .

  3. 道路、通水、通电等前期费用支出情况。

    Payment for expenses on road , water and electricity during the preliminary stage of the projects .

  4. 内地企业投资香港,还没有获得批准是否可以汇出前期费用?

    Before inland corporation allowed to invest HK , does the corporation could pay the former payment ?

  5. 高管们因那些产生前期费用的交易获得了不菲的报酬,但后来这些交易却导致了巨额信贷亏损。

    Managers were handsomely paid for transactions that produced upfront fees , but later resulted in huge credit losses .

  6. 如果价格不向约定的方向发展,期权可以失效,买方只须付出前期费用的代价。

    If prices do not move that way , the option lapses and the buyer only loses the premium .

  7. 这些车必须比汽油驱动汽车更加省钱&不仅是就使用期间而言,还包括前期费用。

    The vehicles will have to provide substantial savings over petrol-powered alternatives , not just over their life-times , but upfront .

  8. 当房地产市场崩盘时,花旗集团损失了数十亿美元,远远超过了它收取的那些前期费用。

    When the housing market collapsed , Citigroup suffered billions of dollars in losses that dwarfed the fees it had collected .

  9. 参加者可使用联邦而不是州的税收抵免太阳能电池板安装及使用的前期费用。

    Participants can use federal , not state , tax credits to help offset the upfront cost of the solar panels .

  10. 签订合同:双方签订寻猎服务合同,客户支付前期寻访费用;

    Signing contract : Both parties sign the headhunting service contract and the customer pays the down payment for headhunting services .

  11. 沥青路面具有路用性能良好、前期投资费用较低等优点,占国内已建等级公路里程80%以上。

    With its good performance and low investment , flexible pavement has been used in countrywide grade highway more than 80 % .

  12. 然而,由于能源产业有明显的极化效应,新能源产业前期投资费用高,能源安全问题突出等原因,能源开发对经济的的推动效应还未完全凸显。

    However , because the energy industry has the obvious polarization effect , the new energy industry earlier period investment expenses are high , energy security problem prominent and so on , energy exploration to economy the impetus effect has not highlighted completely .

  13. 然而,现在是不是该赋予这一箴言新的意义,并将其应用于股市结构,以建立一个成本不那么高昂的金融体系?至少可以要求投资者支付较高的前期交易费用。

    But could it be time to give this adage a new twist , and apply it to the structure of the equity market at least in the sense of asking investors to pay higher upfront trading fees , to build a less costly financial system ?

  14. 预计项目前期的改建费用需要300万人民币,第五年主营业务收入可达1700万人民币,投资收益率27.53%。

    Estimated project cost of the pre-converted , 300 million yuan , the fifth main business income of up to 17 million yuan , the investment rate of return 27.53 % .

  15. 本文介绍了新产品开发前期策划和费用控制的必要性和具体内容并对相关部门和人员提出了具体要求。

    The importance and the details of pre-planning and expense control for the development of new product is stressed and the specific requirement for the relative department and personnel is raised .

  16. 使用商业ESB就意味着,前期巨额的许可费用,繁重的安装过程,不得不学习新的IDE,必须从可用文档和售后咨询那里学习。

    Working with commercial ESBs means huge license costs upfront , heavy install procedures , having to learn a new IDE and having to learn from the documentation available and the after sales consultants .