
  1. 论刘绍棠的乡土文学理论

    On Liu Shao-tang 's Original Theory of Native-soil Literature

  2. 论优秀的社会主义作家刘绍棠

    Liu Shao-tang is an excellent socialistic writer

  3. 然后通过对作品的分析,从两个方面具体论述刘绍棠小说的结构。

    Then the structures of his novels are specifically dealt with from two aspects on the bases of analyses of his works .

  4. 1981年,刘绍棠的乡土文学理论基本成型。这个理论可以归纳为五大要点:一、乡土文学要坚持文学创作的党性原则和社会主义性质。

    Liu Shao-tang 's theory of native land literature basically formed in 1981 . Five main points in his theory can be summed up : 1 . To insist on the Party spirit principle and socialistic character in literary creation .