
  1. 三大航空公司中实力最弱的中国东航(chinaeasternairlines)宣布,将任命中国南航董事长(chinasouthernairlines)刘绍勇为公司董事,取代现任董事长李丰华。

    China Eastern Airlines , the weakest of the big three carriers , said it would appoint Liu Shaoyong , chairman of China Southern Airlines , as a director of the company , replacing the current chairman , Li Fenghua .

  2. 刘绍勇并没说熊猫什么时候会回到卧龙。

    Liu did not say when the pandas would return to Wolong .

  3. 刘绍勇表示,北京将是东航的核心市场之一。

    Renowned said , Beijing will be the core of China Eastern markets .

  4. 中国监管机构尚未宣布期货政策方面的任何改变,不过刘绍勇表示,监管机构正在开始放松全面禁止对冲的做法。

    Regulators have not announced a change in their futures policy , but Mr Liu said that they were beginning to row back from a blanket prohibition on hedging .