
  1. 刘峰和他女儿性格都很倔强。

    Liu Feng and his daughter are both very stubborn .

  2. 人工染色体研究进展刘峰陈受宜(中国科学院遗传研究所,北京100101)人工染色体的研究近年来取得了迅速发展,尤其在基因组分析、基因功能鉴定、基因治疗以及研究染色体结构与功能关系等方面。

    Rapid progress has been made recently in the study of artificial chromosome , including genome analysis , functional characterization of gene , gene therapy and relationship of chromosome structure and function .

  3. 刘峰在报道中说,“我们将利用这段时间将准备工作做到最细,一旦海况好转,立即开展海试”。

    ' We 'll use this time to do our preparatory work down to the last detail , and as soon as sea conditions improve , we 'll start sea trials , 'he was quoted as saying .

  4. 据官方媒体新华社周六报道,潜水试验项目负责人刘峰说,由于海况恶劣,无法在周三之前尝试计划中四次潜水中的第一次潜水。

    The state-run Xinhua news agency on Saturday quoted Liu Feng , the director of the diving trials , as saying the sea was too rough to attempt the first of its planned four dives before Wednesday .

  5. 针对不完整数据,(刘峰等2009)提出了一种不完整数据的处理方法,并把此方法应用于搜农搜索引擎中。实际应用表明,该方法能够很好的工作。

    For these abnormal information , ( Liu Feng , etc. 2009 ) proposed a treatment of incomplete data . We apply this treatment to the vertical search engine ; the actual application shows that this method could work well .