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  • distributed network
  1. 基于Internet的分布式网络精馏计算系统

    The Distributed Network Computing System of Distillation Simulation Based on Internet

  2. 基于SOAP/WEBService技术的分布式网络考试系统的构架设计

    The Design of the Distributed Network Test System Based on SOAP / Web Service Technology

  3. 一种基于策略和Web的分布式网络管理模型的研究

    Research of a distributed network management model based on policy and Web

  4. 基于移动Agent的分布式网络并行计算方法

    A Method for Parallel Computing of Distributed Network Based on Mobile Agent

  5. 基于Agent分布式网络化制造模式的研究

    Research on Agent Based Distributed Network Manufacturing Mode

  6. 分布式网络雷达抗ARM摧毁可行性分析

    Feasibility research of distributed netted radar against ARM attack

  7. 基于LDAP和多Agent的分布式网络信息检索

    Information Retrieval Under Distributed Network Based on LDAP and Multi-agent

  8. QoS及其在分布式网络制造系统中的应用

    The QoS and Its Application in Distributed Network Manufacture System

  9. 介绍一个基于多Agent体系结构的分布式网络性能监控系统,用于网络性能监测和性能分析。

    This paper proposes a possible distributed network system adopting multi-agent architecture , which monitors and analyzes the performance of the network .

  10. 本文提出一种使用J2EE平台实现分布式网络管理系统的解决方案。

    This thesis presents a distributed network management system solution based on J2EE platform .

  11. Web服务可用来实现应用程序在Internet上的互操作,它已成为一种极具发展潜力的分布式网络应用集成技术。

    With the ability to realize the interoperation of applications on the internet , Web service emerges rapidly as a kind of promising integrating technology .

  12. 因此,本文基于分布式网络并行环境研究了对XML文档的并行处理方法。

    Based on the distributed parallel computation environment that based on network , this paper study the parallel processing of XML .

  13. 基于分布式网络的SOAP协议

    SOAP Protocol Based on the Distributed Network

  14. 本文对网络流量采集技术进行了分析和研究,提出了一个基于数据挖掘的多Agent分布式网络流量采集模型。

    Network traffic collection technology is analyzed and explored in this thesis and a Data Mining-based Multi-Agent Distributed Network Traffic Collection Model is presented .

  15. 一个基于Unix平台的分布式网络监视器系统

    A distributed network monitor system based on UNIX

  16. 根据SOAP/WEBService在Internet/Intranet中运作的原理,对网络考试系统的各个服务模块进行了划分,利用SOAP/WEBService技术建立了分布式网络考试系统构架模型。

    Based on the application of SOAP / Web Service in Internet / Intranet , the SOAP / Web Service has been used to construct a model of distributed network test system .

  17. 对等网络(P2P)是一种由若干协作的计算机节点构成的分布式网络。

    Peer-to-peer ( P2P ) is a distributed network by a number of collaborative compo-sitions of the computer nodes .

  18. 组合构件服务是将分布在Internet上构件提供的服务进行链接,形成具有新功能构件服务的分布式网络计算技术。

    Composite component service is a kind of distributed network computing technology to link other component service which distributing on Internet to make a component service with new function .

  19. 根据校园网的特点,本文采用了基于Web的分布式网络管理模型,并且参照西南交大校园网的实际拓扑结构,设计并实现了一个网络故障管理系统。

    According to the network character of Southwest Jiaotong University , a network fault management system has been designed and implemented with a distributed network management model based on Web .

  20. 基于MCS-51单片机和ADAM模块的分布式网络&无线测控系统

    Distributed Network & Radio Measuring and Controlling System Based on MCS-51 And ADAM

  21. P2P技术作为一种分布式网络结构,从根本上解决了传统的集中式网络所固有的缺陷。

    As a kind of distributed network architecture , P2P technology can resolve the problems of traditional network architecture thoroughly .

  22. 在发动机CAD工程设计中,总体CAD设计和不同子系统CAD设计是在分布式网络环境中不同结点的工作站上进行的。

    In process of engine CAD system design , global CAD system and every subsystem CAD are designed in different workstations in distributed network environment .

  23. 基于OFDMA的分布式网络架构干扰分析及资源池概念

    Interference Analysis of OFDMA Based Distributed Network Architecture and Resource Pooling

  24. RepresentationalStateTransfer(REST)是分布式网络系统软件结构的一种形式,它利用了网络所采用技术所带来的优势。

    Representational State Transfer ( REST ) is a style of software architecture for distributed network systems that takes advantage of the technologies employed by the Web .

  25. 在分布式网络化环境中,建立在异构多体系结构基础上的动态企业联盟能满足网络经济时代快速多变的市场要求,代表企业Agent未来发展方向。

    In distributed net environment , dynamic enterprises alliance built on the multi-agent-based systems can meet the rapid change of market requests , and represents the future direction of the enterprise .

  26. 运用SNMPv3实现安全的分布式网络管理

    Secure Distribute Network Management Based on SNMP V3

  27. 本文采用Java和Servlet作为开发工具,以基于Web的三层体系结构为基础,论述了一个基于Web的分布式网络故障监控系统的设计与实现方案。

    Based on the Web-based three-storeys framework and using Java and Servlet , this paper discusses a scheme of design and implementation on Web-based distributed network fault monitoring system .

  28. 分层分布式网络管理是针对无线adhoc网络特点提出的一种重要的网络管理模式。

    The hierarchical and distributed network management system is proposed to be an important network management mode considering the feature of a wireless Ad hoc network .

  29. 分析了分布式网络管理的技术和发展前景,着重对基于CORBA、Web技术、移动代理和主动网络技术的网络管理作了介绍。

    It analyzes distributed network management technology and its developing prospects , with emphasis on network management based on CORBA , Web technology , mobile agent and active network technology .

  30. 反间谍XP的2009年是通过不同的分布式网络安全扫描,木马,误导性网站,恶意软件。

    Antispyware XP2009 is distributed via different online security scanners , Trojan horses , misleading sites , malicious software .