
tū bǎn yìn shuā
  • relief printing;letterpress
凸版印刷 [tū bǎn yìn shuā]
  • [letterpress;relief printing;typographic printing] 一种直接从着墨的浮凸表面压印到纸张上去的印刷方法

  1. 在凸版印刷和照相制版的时代,许多最常用的字体都包含一种叫做展示字体的变体。

    In the days of letterpress and phototypesetting , many of the most-commonly used typefaces were available in a " display face " variation .

  2. 影响凸版印刷套印精度的因素

    Precision of Overprint in Relief Printing Influenced by Some Factors

  3. 一种深红色树脂物质,从树木中提取,用于照相凸版印刷。

    A dark red resinous substance derived from various trees and used in photoengraving .

  4. 萝卜、青菜各有所爱&柔性版印刷和凸版印刷的特点

    The Difference Between Flexo Printing and Letterpress

  5. 凸版印刷机故障机理分析及改进方案

    The Analysis of Failure and the Improvement Scheme on the Printing Machine with Relief Printing Plate

  6. 照相凸版印刷品通过这个过程而制作的复印件复制照相:印刷过程中,制版前的照相操作。

    A reproduction made by this process . Camera work : The photographic operations which precede the platemaking steps in printing .

  7. 半湿压光机用于双网双缸纸机提高凸版印刷纸质量

    Employment of a Wet Calender Stock on Double Vat Double Dryer Paper Machines & A Means to Enhance the Quality of Relief Printings

  8. 打印式印刷机:凸版印刷机器,它采用打印的动作压印。主要作标签印刷。

    Stamping machine : Relief printing machine which uses a stamping action to make an impression . It is mainly for the printing of labels .

  9. 热金属排版是一种,嗯,往模型中注入溶态金属合金来创造凸版印刷表面的方法。

    Hot metal typesetting is a method , um , of creating a relief printing surface by injecting a molten metal alloy into a matrix .

  10. 活版:典型的凸版印刷方法。用活字粒排版,在其凸起的表面涂布油墨,然后压向纸张的印刷方法。

    Letterpress : A typical form of relief printing . Movable types are composed into pages . Ink were applied to the raised surface and then impressed on the paper .

  11. 塑胶版:一种凸版印刷用的复制版。用塑料材料分别用压模法或铸造法制成。参阅复制版。

    Photogelatin process Plastic plate : A type of duplicate plates for relief printing . It uses plastic materials and produced either by pressing or casting . See Duplicate plate .

  12. 中芯国际和联合科技在成都合资成立的封装测试厂以及和凸版印刷在上海成立的合资企业,专注于生产制造芯载滤光片和微镜头均已投产。

    Smic 's joint ventures , a testing and assembly facility in Chengdu with UTAC and the manufacturing of on-chip color filters and micro lenses in Shanghai with toppan , are also in production .

  13. 宾夕法尼亚盲人教育学院的院长威廉·韦德先生和艾伦先生为我提供了很多凸版印刷的(盲文)书籍。

    Mr. William Wade and Mr. E. E. Allen , Principal of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind , get for me many of the books I need in raised print .

  14. 普拉多博物馆使用的凸版印刷技术来自EstudiosDurero,这家印刷企业位于西班牙毕尔巴鄂附近,它制作的作品也在毕尔巴鄂的艺术博物馆中展出。

    The Prado used a relief printing technique developed by Estudios Durero , a printing company near Bilbao , Spain . Works it has produced also have been displayed in the fine arts museum of Bilbao .

  15. 他曾出版过一本凸版印刷的诗集,我选读了其中的一首《校园时光》。他惊讶于我的读音是如此地准确,还说理解起来毫无困难。

    He had a book of his poems in raised print from which I read " In School Days . " He was delighted that I could pronounce the words so well , and said that he had no difficulty in understanding me .

  16. 还可用来在凹版印刷机上作涂布思及在装订生产线上作施胶器。活版:典型的凸版印刷方法。用活字粒排版,在其凸起的表面涂布油墨,然后压向纸张的印刷方法。

    It is used as coating roller in a gravure press and glue applicator in a binding line . Letterpress : A typical form of relief printing . Movable types are composed into pages . Ink were applied to the raised surface and then impressed on the paper .

  17. 苯胺印刷:采用柔性橡胶版和苯胺油墨的凸版轮转印刷方法。

    Aniline printing : Method of rotary relief printing using flexible rubber plates and aniline inks .

  18. 从照相凸版上印刷出来的印刷品。

    A print obtained from photoengraving .

  19. 单张停转式凸版平台印刷机

    Heliographic printing sheet-fed stop cylinder press

  20. 笔者从凸版自动化印刷设备的七个工艺方面出发,就如何印好铝箔不干胶产品,确保产品质量进行了分析。

    The author talks how to print Alumminium products well to ensure the quality of products from the point of seven aspects of relief automatic printing machines .

  21. 在印刷技术中,把照相图象印在板上并蚀刻成一个凸印刷面,从而制成的活版印刷印版的处理方法。单张停转式凸版平台印刷机

    In printing , the production of a letterpress printing plate by printing down a photographic image onto a plate and etching it to form a relief printing surface . sheet-fed stop cylinder press

  22. 按需滴液(喷墨印花术语)凸版轮转机印刷油墨

    Drop on demand ( DOD ) rotary letterpress ink

  23. 凸版轮转机印刷油墨(涡轮机)整锻冲动式转轮

    Rotary letterpress ink integrally-forged impulse wheel

  24. 通过凸版组合轮转印刷机的凸版印刷、卷筒网印,利用印刷网点和光油、亚光油的结合,视觉效果分明,凸显质感。

    Through rotary letterpress and roller screen printing , make use of the combination of dot and varnish and matt varnish to strengthen the visual effect and its quality .