
  • 网络Fengshan District
  1. 论文分别从地理位置及区位条件、自然地理特征、旅游资源概况和旅游客源市场四个方面对云凤山风景区的旅游现状进行了总结。

    Paper summarized from four aspects , which were the geographic location and geographic conditions , natural and geographical characteristics , tourist resources and tourist market .

  2. 其中,2008年云凤山风景区的利用价值(主要指旅游价值)为1029.17万元,非利用价值1.05亿元。

    Among them , the directly use value of scenic areas ( mainly tourism value ) in 2008 was 10.2917 million RMB , the indirectly use value of scenic areas in 2008 was 105 million RMB .