
  1. 内部控制重大缺陷影响因素的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Influence Factors of Internal Control Material Weaknesses

  2. 这些事件的背后都存在一个共同的问题,即公司内部控制存在重大缺陷。

    All these companies have a common problem that these companies exist material internal weakness and financial problems .

  3. 然而,随着医院采购舞弊、门诊虚假退费、住院押金私自挪用等案件的相继发生,暴露出了公立医院内部控制尤其是货币资金内部控制存在重大缺陷。

    However , with the hospital outpatient false refund , hospitalization deposit funds used cases occurred , has exposed the hospital internal control , especially the major defects of internal control of monetary fund .