
liù fēn yí
  • sextant
六分仪[liù fēn yí]
  1. 十进制坐标可通过一个六分仪和一个记时计确定,与此不同的是,必须通过计算才能确定UTM坐标。

    Unlike decimal coordinates , which you can determine using a sextant and a chronometer , you cannot determine UTM coordinates without calculations .

  2. 确定地球上某个位置的经度和纬度坐标的最低需求是,你至少能够看到星星和太阳,并具备一个六分仪和能够显示GMT时间的时钟T。

    To define latitude and longitude coordinates for a location on the Earth , at minimum , you must be able to see the stars or the Sun and have a sextant and clock that displays time in GMT.

  3. 水文地理测量六分仪中子水分计测量焦炭水分的误差分析

    The error analysis of coke moisture measured by neutron moisture gauge

  4. 航海电子六分仪测角传感系统研究

    Study on Angle Measuring Sensing System of Nautical Electronic Sextant

  5. 三副:救生艇上有六分仪和磁罗经。

    Third Mate : We have sextants and magnetic compass on board the boat .

  6. 消除气泡六分仪测量原理误差的条件分析

    The Analysis of Conditions about Eliminating The Principle Error in Measuring of Bubble Sextant

  7. 这个六分仪很难用。

    The sextant is hard to use .

  8. 水文地理测量六分仪偏心注水井分层流量自动测调仪的研制

    The Development of an Automatic Measuring and Adjusting Apparatus for Stratified Flow in Eccentric Injection Well

  9. 低光水平线电视六分仪

    Low light level television camera-sextant

  10. 艾伦在弗灵顿路的市场上买了一个六分仪,作为航行中的消遣。

    He had picked up a sextant in the Farringdon Road market to amuse himself on the voyage .

  11. 尼摩船长带了他的六分仪,测量太阳的高度,因此可以。知道船所在的纬度。

    Raising his sextant , Captain Nemo took the altitude of the sun , which would give him his latitude .

  12. 测量天体角度的仪器;类似于六分仪但是带有度的刻度。

    An instrument for measuring angles to a celestial body ; similar to a sextant but with 45 degree calibration .

  13. 罗盘,指引我的航路;六分仪,测太阳的高低,使我知道船所在的纬度,

    the compass , which steers my course ; the sextant , which takes the sun 's altitude and tells me my latitude ;

  14. 有很多人坚持认为贪婪、傲慢自大和强取豪夺的范式是我们的六分仪的真正的参考点。

    There are many who insist that the paradigms of greed , arrogance and usurpation are the true reference points for our sextants .

  15. 本文是将天文定位算法与计算机技术,传感器技术与六分仪改进相融合所形成的一个较新的研究方向。

    This paper is a relatively new research direction formed the astronomical positioning algorithm with computer technology , sensor technology with the improvement of sextant .

  16. 就像这个六分仪只要50块,真的很便宜全都有打折这些玩意都很酷

    It 's all for sale , by the way . Like the sextant here . $ 50 for this , which is a bargain.These are pretty cool .

  17. 八条内裤两个航海六分仪三件紫红色毛衣一个温度计,一个湿度计,一个气压表只有一副望远镜一个最初叫做汤姆的前头灯

    Eight pair of underwear . Two sextants . Three burgundy sweaters . One thermometer , One hygrometer , One barometer . Only one telescope . One frontal headlamp officially known as Tom .

  18. 介绍了基于单片机和旋转编码器的航海电子六分仪的角度测量原理及信号的数字化处理方法,并给出了相关的软件设计方法。

    This paper describes angle measuring principle and signal 's digital processing method of Nautical Electronic Sextant , based on single chip microcomputer and rotary encoder . And it gives the related software design method .

  19. 在那一个月的航行里,他没有带指南针,没有六分仪,也没有任何图纸,他并不是个反对使用现代仪器的人,白天里指南针偶尔也能用下,年纪大的时候他也开始戴个笨笨的手表。

    On that month-long trip he carried no compass , sextant or charts . He was not against modern instruments on principle . A compass could occasionally be useful in daylight ; and , at least in old age , he wore a chunky watch .

  20. 这位老先生的存货包括精密计时表、晴雨表、望远镜、罗盘、航海图、地图、六分仪、象限仪,以及用于确定船舶航线、进行船舶计算、研究船舶所在地的各种仪器的样品。

    The stock-in-trade of this old gentleman comprised chronometers , barometers , telescopes , compasses , charts , maps , sextants , quadrants , and specimens of every kind of instrument used in the working of a ship 's course , or the keeping of a ship 's reckoning , or the prosecuting of a ship 's discoveries .