
bā shí nián dài
  • 1980s;eighty
  1. 听起来像是《杰森一家》(Jetsons)和上世纪八十年代电视剧《霹雳游侠》(KnightRider)的疯狂搭配,但这就是佩奇想让谷歌创造的那种未来。

    Sounds like a crazy mashup of the Jetsons and the ' 80s TV show knight rider .

  2. 八十年代初期,一个标准单位的计算机存储能力,即1MB,或者说1百万字节,售价是100美元,而现在却只要10美分,两年内还将降到2美分。

    In the early 80s , the standard unit of computer storage , one mega-byte , or one million bytes of information , cost about 100 dollars . Today , it is 10 cents . In two years , it will cost 2 cents .

  3. 八十年代初,我有很多时间穿梭于伦敦和布拉德福德之间。

    I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford .

  4. 到二十世纪八十年代,进行调研的记者空前增多。

    In the1980s there are more investigative reporters than ever before .

  5. 第一个空气吉他大赛于二十世纪八十年代初期在瑞典和美国举办。

    The first on-off air guitar competitions were organized in the early 1980s in Sweden and in the United States .

  6. 不,今天的灾难不能比作大萧条,甚至也不能比作二十世纪八十年代的农业问题。

    No , today 's calamities2 don 't compare to the Great Depression or even to the agricultural troubles of the 1980s .

  7. 像其他上世纪八十年代的时尚潮流一样,果冻鞋自上世纪九十年代以来曾经数次回归时尚前端。

    Like many other fashion trends from the 1980s , jellies have been revived a number of times since the late 1990s .

  8. 果冻鞋在二十世纪八十年代中期曾经很流行,一双鞋售价不到一美元。

    The shoes became a fad1 in the mid2 1980s , when a pair could frequently be purchased for less than one US dollar .

  9. 我拍了一部电视剧——《温州一家人》,讲述了上世纪八十年代浙江一家子走南闯北、经商创业的故事,最终将事业扩展到了欧洲。

    I created a TV drama , One Family from Wenzhou , which tells the story of how a family from Zhejiang province made a living by doing business across the country in the 1980s and finally expanded their business to Europe .

  10. 八十年代中期,SAW器件迅速发展并很快应用到雷达通信领域里。

    The mid-eighties , SAW devices are developing rapidly and quickly applied to the field of radar communications .

  11. 抗高血压新药非肽类血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂自二十世纪八十年代发现以来就受到了广泛的关注。

    Antihypertensive non-peptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists have been paid much attention since it was found in 1980 ' s.

  12. H∝控制是一种从八十年代初开始发展的新控制理论,其特点是鲁棒性设计。

    H ∝ control theory is a kind of new control theory which begin to develop in 1980 , its property is loop bar design .

  13. 光纤时域反射仪(OTDR)是八十年代才发展起来的新型光纤故障测试设备,全称是OpticalTimeDomainReflectometer。

    Optical Time Domain Reflectometer ( OTDR ) is a kind of the new type optical malfunction measuring equipment that developed in 1980 's.

  14. 十九世纪八十年代,宾夕法尼亚州州立大学材料研究实验室研制了一种小型化的V型弯张换能器&Cymbal。

    A miniaturized version of the class V flextensional transducer : cymbal transducer was developed in the 1980s at the Materials Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University .

  15. 控制与保护开关电器(CPS)是八十年代出现的一种多功能组合型低压电器。

    Control and Protective Switching Devices ( CPS ) is a new type of multi .

  16. 八十年代,汽车技术引人注目的成就之一就是防抱制动系统ABS的应用和推广。

    In the eighties , one of the most important achievements of automobile technology is the application and spread of Anti - lock Brake System .

  17. 自八十年代初以来,国内外都将研究武器立靶测试系统的重点转向了CCD交汇光靶。

    Since the beginning of 1980s , countries allover the world have turned the emphasis of studying on the testing system of weapon standing target to the CCD intersection optical target .

  18. 大杯伞(Clitocybemaxima)是八十年代驯化成功的食用菌新品种。

    Clitocybe maxima , a new species of edible fungus , was successfully domesticated in 1980 ' s.

  19. 示例演练教学法是二十世纪八十年代由著名心理学家西蒙(H·A·Simon)提出的一种以现代认知心理学的思想为基础的教学方法。

    The methodology of teaching by giving a demonstration and practice , based on modern cognitive psychology , was proposed by H · A · Simon , the famous psychologist , in 1980s .

  20. 西方叙事学(Narratology)最早产生于二十世纪六、七十年代的法国,后来又传播到美国、以色列等国家,二十世纪八十年代以后传入中国。

    Initiating in France in 1960s , Western Narratology is propagated to America , Israel and other countries , then to China after 1980s .

  21. Tencel纤维是于二十世纪八十年代由英国Courtaulds公司研制生产的新型纤维素纤维。

    Tencel fiber that was researched by Courtaulds company in the 1980 's is a new regenerated cellulose fiber .

  22. 光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI)诞生于八十年代中期,专门用来解决当时新出现的主干网问题。

    Fiber Distributed Data Interface , or FDDI , came about in the mid-1980s specifically to solve the emerging network backbone issue .

  23. 二十世纪八十年代中期发展起来的工作流技术,以及近年来逐渐成熟和广泛应用的业务流程管理(BPM)技术能够很好地满足这种需求。

    In the mid 1980s developed Workflow technology , and in recent years gradually mature and extensive application of Business Process Management ( BPM ) technology can well meet the demands .

  24. 二十世纪八十年代,美国著名物理学家Hopfield和Tank提出用人工神经网络方法求解线性规划问题,从此以后,这一领域的研究和应用得到了越来越多的关注。

    In 1980s , Hopfield and Tank proposed a novel artificial neural network for solving linear programming problems . From then on , more and more attentions have been paid in research and application of such area .

  25. 直到二十世纪八十年代,与实验上形成BEC相关的激光冷却和捕获原子技术趋于成熟后,才使科学家们的BEC实验研究得到了实质性进展。

    Until 1980 ' , scientists got substantial developments in BEC after the techniques of laser cooling and atom-captured method related to realizing BEC in experiments became mature .

  26. 上世纪八十年代中期,Baker等发展了计算机化神经行为评价系统,实现了神经行为测试的程序化、规范化和结果的自动记录、储存,提高了测试的效度、信度和可比性。

    Since Baker developed computerized neurobehavioral evaluations system , the neurobehavioral test has become roboticized and normative and the result can be recorded and saved automatically , ant it improves the reliability and validity and comparison .

  27. 开关磁阻电机(SwitchedReluctancemotor)是二十世纪八十年代发展起来的一种新型机电一体化调速装置,具有结构简单、坚固耐用、调速性能广、可在较低电流下实现频繁起停等优点。

    Switched Reluctance Motor is a new kind of mechanical-electrical equipment which developed from the 1980s . It has many advantages such as simple structure , big stiffness , wide range of transforming rotation rate and it also could be turn on-off frequency under low current .

  28. CGSS是西德Karlsruhe大学八十年代初研制的代码生成器自动生成工具。

    CGSS is an automatic generating tool of code generator developed by Karlsruhe University of West Germany at the early 80 's.

  29. 自八十年代后期以来,为了更为有效地降低结构声辐射,人们提出了主动结构声学控制(ASAC)。

    In order to reduce sound radiation of a structure , the method of Active Structural Acoustic Control ( ASAC ) was developed in the 1980s .

  30. 许多在七、八十年代在车库里敲敲打打、幻想将一生奉献给儿时梦想的DIY人士最后都变成了怀着超人幻想的全球统治者。

    A lot of the starry-eyed do-it-yourselfers tinkering in their garages and giving life to their boyish dreams back in the " 70s and " 80s turned out to be harboring superman fantasies of global domination all along .