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  1. 兖石公路立交桥薄壁墩柱施工方法

    The Technology of Thin Wall Pier Column in Yanshi Highway Overpass

  2. 兖石铁路的浅层岩溶地基

    Karst foundation at shallow layer in Yan - Shi railway the ugly stone

  3. 兖石铁路横贯东西,京沪高速贯穿南北。

    Yanshi railway runs through the east and west .

  4. 磁铁矿晶格中Sn~(4+)问题的研兖

    A Study of Sn ~ ( 4 + ) in the Lattice of Magnetite

  5. 兖滕&两淮能源开发区主要环境地质问题

    The major environmental geological problems in the energy-development district of Southwestern Shandong and Northern Anhui

  6. 本文研兖了木糖醇、阿糖醇、山梨糖醇在离子交换树脂层析柱上的分离。

    The paper discussed the separation of Xylitol , Arabitol and Sorbitol by Ion Exchange Chromatography .

  7. 届时,兖州煤业必须将其在兖煤澳大利亚中的持股比例降至70%以下。

    By then , Yanzhou must cut its stake in its Australian entity to below 70 per cent .

  8. 第一部分考察青徐兖地域的政区沿革以及青徐兖地域的一体性和重要性。

    In the first section I observed the evolution of the districts , oneness and importance of QR .

  9. 在日益激烈的市场兖争中,机遇与挑战并存,我们真诚地希望与您携手共进,共创繁荣。

    In the rapid competitive market , we sincerely hope that we could take hand with you to create prosperity in future .

  10. 兖煤澳大利亚的总部须设在澳大利亚,其首席执行官和首席财务官须在此有主要居所。

    The Yancoal entity must have its headquarters in Australia and its chief executive and chief financial officer must have their principal residence there .

  11. 青徐兖地域对魏晋十六国时期的历史发展起着举足轻重的作用,因而很有必要把青徐兖地域作为整体进行系统研究。

    QR had greatly influenced the historical development during the period of Wei-Jin and Sixteen Kingdoms , so it is very necessary to study systematically QR as the whole .

  12. 针对当前立交桥施工中的问题,结合兖石公路立交桥的施工实践,进行薄壁桥墩模板的设计,提出了薄壁桥墩的施工方法。

    The articles was based on the problem of overpass construction at present , combined with the practice of Yanshi highway overpass , carried out the design of thin wall pier column mold , presented the construct technology of thin wall pier column .

  13. 以淮南市代表的兖腾两淮地区生态补偿费率标准为该区平均煤炭售价的3.3%~3.8%;

    And the charge fees in the regions of Huainan city , which represented the area of Teng Yan and the northern and southern parts of Huai He river , was the rate of 3.3 % to 3.8 % to the average coal price .

  14. 基于以上分析模型,详细计算了不同工况下车桥系统的振动响应,对桥梁及列车的动力响应做出了评价,其计算结果表明:跨济兖公路特大桥具有良好的动力特性及列车走行性。

    Based on the analysis models mentioned above , the dynamic responses of the vehicle-bridge system under different conditions are analyzed . And we could come to the conclusion as follows : Ji-Yun Super Major Highway Bridge has good dynamic characteristics and train running property . 4 .