
  1. 从嘉靖七年(1528年)明朝兵部尚书王琼总制三边、安辑东迁后的撒里畏兀儿诸部,至明、清之交。

    From 1528 to the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  2. “兀儿”是佤族在丧葬仪式中使用的一种吹管乐器。

    The main threads of it is the process of obsequies ceremony .

  3. 最终也宣告了元廷在畏兀儿地区实行的双层管理体制的失败。

    It also declared that Yuan government carried double administration systems on Uyghur region were failed .

  4. 在万物有灵的原始宗教观念影响下,“兀儿”成了佤族死者生前显赫身份的一种象征符号。

    Under the influence of animism ," Wu-er " becomes a symbol of the eminent position of the dead .

  5. 元代畏兀儿的界定及其文化区域回纥与漠北草原诸族关系初探

    The Uighur Definition in Yuan Dynasty and its Cultural Regions The Relations between Uighur and Other Ethnic Groups to North of the Gobi Dissert

  6. 有关蒙古族古代文献典籍中“忽兀儿”“抄兀儿”的记载,成为史学家和音乐学家关注的问题。

    The research on " Huur " and " Choir " in the ancient Mongolian documents and classics has become an issue concerned by both historians and musicians .

  7. 元代是畏兀儿文化发展的兴盛期,由于多种因素的交互影响,形成了各具特色的文化区域。

    The Yuan Dynasty was a prosperous period of cultural development of Uighur , and evolved the cultural regions of its own because of influence of various factors each other .