
  • 网络Bo people;The Bo Nationality
  1. 僰人上肢骨的测量研究

    A Metric Study on the Bo Ren Upper Limb Bones

  2. 僰人下肢骨的测量研究

    A Metric Study on the Bo Ren Lower Limb Bones

  3. 云南僰人源流的父系和母系遗传研究

    The Genetic Study on the Patrilineal and Matrilineal Origin of the Bo People in Yunnan

  4. “僰人”三题三人博弈问题的模型和一种解法的修正

    Three Points of " boren " A Revision to a Solution to the Tri-game Problem

  5. 僰人颅骨的测量研究

    A metrical study on Bo Ren skulls

  6. “僰人”三题

    Three Points of " boren "

  7. 川南僰人反明斗争述略

    A Brief Account of the Struggle against the Ming Dynasty by the Bo people in South Sichuan

  8. 僰人之谜

    Puzzle of Bo people

  9. 古代滇国境内生活着许多民族,既有属于百越族群的居民,也有濮人、僰人等族。

    There were many ethnic groups such as Baiyue race , Pu people and Bo people living in the ancient Dian kingdom .

  10. 论文的第一部分对僰人的起源迁徙及生存地域环境进行阐述和研究。

    The first part of the paper elaborated and researched the origins of human movement of Bo people and survival of local environment .

  11. 本文报道了云南威信瓦石和新发现的龙马两地的“僰人”悬棺。

    The present paper reported the discovery of two " Bo people " hanging coffins fromWashi and Longma in Weixin county , northeastern Yunnan Province .

  12. 第五部分:通过对珙县岩画中的铜鼓、犬和巫师图像的分析,结合文物资料、文献资料,运用考古学的知识,揭示其具有的文化内涵,从而深入理解僰人的原始宗教崇拜。

    Part five Analyzing the images of the copper-drum , dog and necromancer , and deeply understanding the original faith and worship of the Bo people .