
fèng lù
  • Salaries;an official's salary
俸禄 [fèng lù]
  • [official's salary] 旧称薪给

  • 事不肯多做,俸禄却不少拿

俸禄[fèng lù]
  1. 又恢复了旧时的体制,王室就是在这种制度下接受了近300年的俸禄。

    This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years .

  2. 燕王相信了他的话,给了他优厚的俸禄,尽管没有看见他刻的猕猴。

    The King of the state of Yan believed what he said and gave him a good salary .

  3. 而现在用自己的俸禄买鱼吃,虽然花的是自己的钱,但非常方便。

    Now he buys fish with his salary , it is very convenient although he has to pay for it himself .

  4. 只要不被免职,充足的俸禄就可以用来买鱼吃,也不愁吃不到鱼。

    As long as he was not removed from the post , he had enouth salary to buy fish and had nothing to worry about .

  5. 为教会服务而受俸禄的加农。

    A canon who receives a prebend for serving the church .

  6. 人要食君俸禄,就会服从君主使用。

    When men take salary , they will submit to their ruler .

  7. 论元朝俸禄制度

    On the Salary System in the Yuan Dynasty

  8. 在1820年,帕特里克布朗蒂在约克郡西瑞丁的霍沃思成为了一名俸禄牧师。

    In1820 Patrick Bront ë became incumbent of Haworth , West Riding of Yorkshire .

  9. 他吃了三十年俸禄,早已作好了打这场遭遇战的准备。

    He had been paid through thirty years to prepare for such an encounter .

  10. 人民雇我提供监督,我不能白拿俸禄。

    I 'm hired by the people to provide oversight . I provide oversight .

  11. 使牧师就任有俸禄的圣职

    Induct a clergyman to a benefice

  12. 我所以要提到那个地方,就因为我当初应该得到的一份牧师俸禄就在那儿。

    I mention it , because it is the living which I ought to have had .

  13. 浅述宋朝秘书省的职官地位和俸禄

    On the official rank and the official s ' salary of the secretariat in the Song Dynasty

  14. 鲍叔的子孙世世代代在齐国吃俸禄,得到了封地的有十多代,常常成为有名的大夫。

    Baoshu descendants generations in family eat salary , received a10-generation uses , often become famous doctor .

  15. 不同发展时期的俸禄管理政策、俸禄结构、俸禄水平与支付形式各有自己的特点。

    In each period , policy , structure , level and payment forms had its own characteristics .

  16. 读书三年,无意于作官得俸禄,这种人是难得的。

    It is hard to find a man who has studied for three years without thought of emolument .

  17. 其铨选原则有所变化,而俸禄品级仍是低等。

    The principle of selection was slightly changed , but salary and official rank were still in low .

  18. 他们中的大部分人已靠着小小的俸禄养成了大腹便便者。

    Fat paunches have lean pates . For the most part they had converted their small prebends into sizable paunches .

  19. 其中信用担保又分为赊买契约、赊卖契约和俸禄担保。

    Credit guarantee which is divided into contract to buy on credit , credit guarantees to sell the lease and salary .

  20. 为了便于比较研究,又对俸禄制的兴起作了描述。

    For ease of comparison studies , also emerged to the salary of a government official system has made the description .

  21. 试论战国士人的俸禄变化与战国学术兴盛政府主导与科技创新&郭应禄院士访谈录

    On Changes of Scholar s Emolument and Academic Prosperity in the Warring States ; Government Guidance and Technology Innovation-An Interview on Academician

  22. 然而,政治家如果全都把自己的俸禄归功于克里姆林宫而不是选民,就会面临种种危险。

    But there are risks in a situation in which all politicians owe their positions to the Kremlin , not to the voters .

  23. 作为一种制度形成之后,逐渐成为各级官吏在法定俸禄之外获得财富与劳动力的一种方式。

    As a system , it became a means for such predecessors to accumulate wealth and acquire additional laborers in addition to their salaries .

  24. 所有的伊达部队都具有冲锋加成,可怕的野太刀武士携带双手剑,征募和俸禄的费用却相当低廉。

    All Date units have a charge bonus , and their fearsome no-dachi samurai , with two-handed swords , are cheap to recruit and maintain .

  25. 尽管他的俸禄不多,他还是经常去肉店里买一些将要被宰杀的动物。

    Even though his post didn 't pay much , he often went to the butcher 's shops and bought animals bound for the slaughter .

  26. 第二部分梳理唐代官员法定收入的大概数额,主要包括俸禄、职田和赏赐。

    The second part of the legal income of carding officials in the Tang Dynasty about the amount , including salary , duty cropland and reward .

  27. 本文利用历史资料,详细叙述了历代对胥吏的品级与俸禄制度的具体规定。

    In this paper , the author uses historical datas , describing in detail the history of the petty officials grade and salary system with specific provisions .

  28. 伊丽莎白总以为他们还有些别的应得的俸禄要去处理一下,否则她就不懂得为什么要牺牲那么多的时间。

    and till Elizabeth recollected that there might be other family livings to be disposed of , she could not understand the sacrifice of so many hours .

  29. 唐代官府手里的粮食分配,主要指供应皇室、百官俸禄、厨食、赈灾用粮及供应军队用粮等。

    The grain controlled by government mainly supplied to the imperial household food , rice as salary for officials , working food and relief requirement and the army requirement .

  30. 第四部分,比较了世禄制和俸禄制的异同,指出世禄制实质上是贵族世袭制下爵禄合一的制度,因爵而制禄。

    Pointed out in the hereditary title system essence is under the aristocrat hereditary system the rank and emoluments gathers a system , but because of title makes the wealth .