
  • 网络Treaty of Guarantee
  1. 正因为如此,双边环保条约就体现了它本身的优点,那就是能够更好地保证条约的遵守和双方缔约国相关责任的履行。

    Because of this , the bilateral treaties on environmental protection reflect their own merits that better able to ensure compliance with the treaty and fulfill the responsibilities of both the relevant States .

  2. 其中该条约下的保障监督机制赋予国际原子能机构履行核查的职能,在一定程度上保证了本条约的执行。

    The Safeguard mechanism of the treaty entrusts the verification to IAEA , and ensures the implementation of the treaty in some degree .

  3. 由于海关主要是作为一个执行其既得利益而不是进一步攫取利益的工具而存在的,因此列强的主要目的在于通过适度干涉以保证其按条约规定正常运行而不是完全控制。

    The occident considered the customs as a means to maintain its vested interests , not a means to regain new interests , thus its main purpose was to guarantee that it could run smoothly under the treaty .

  4. 他们要求得到某些保证后才签署条约。

    They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty .