
  1. 供应链与服务链管理比较研究

    Comparison of Supply Chain and Service Chain Management

  2. 传统的供应链或服务链管理系统中的信息集成结构是链式的,这种模式在信息的传递过程中会存在稳定性和效率上的问题。

    The chain information integration architecture in the SCM ( Supply Chain Management System or Service China Management System ) is not stable or high efficient in the informa - tion transmission .

  3. 在这种模式下,物业服务企业的绩效不单纯取决于自身的服务能力,还取决于与供应商的协作关系和对供应链服务流程的管理能力。

    In this mode , the property services performance of company not only depends on the capacity of itself , but on the collaboration with suppliers and the management capabilities in service process of supply chain .

  4. 最后重点分析了A快递公司的服务供应链,作为服务质量管理的框架。

    At last , focus on analysis of the service supply chain of Express Company A as the frame of service quality management .