
ɡē lǎo zú
  • the Gelo (or Kelao) ethnic group;the Gelos
  • Gelao nationality
仡佬族 [gē lǎo zú]
  • (1) [Gelao nationality] 我国少数民族之一,主要分布在贵州

  • (2) 另见 yì

  1. 广西隆林县仡佬族体质特征

    Constitutional characters of Gelao people in Longlin County of Guangxi

  2. 菲律宾伊戈洛人与中国仡佬族的关系

    Relations Between the Igorot of the Philippines and the Gelao of China

  3. 仡佬族是西南地区的土著民族,也是贵州的原生民族。

    Gelao is an ethnic group in the area of southwest of Guizhou .

  4. 仡佬族民间文学的区域性特征

    On Regional Characteristics of Folk Literature of the Gelos

  5. 贵州仡佬族趾毛的分布

    Hair distribution on toes of Gelao people in Guizhou

  6. 结果苗族人群生命质量得分相对最高,汉族居中,仡佬族最低;

    The quality of life of Miao Minority was the highest and Gelao the lowest .

  7. 贵州仡佬族、土家族和回族头面部形态特征研究

    Study on the Head-face Morphological Traits of Gelao , Tujia and Hui Nationalities in Guizhou

  8. 贵州省道真县仡佬族手皮纹研究

    The Study on the Hand Dermatoglyphic in the Gelao People in Daozhen County , Guizhou Province

  9. 因此,探讨仡佬族民族文化的发展变迁,对多民族文化的和谐发展、多元文化的和谐共存有着重要意义。

    Therefore , exploring the development and change of Gelo culture is of important significance to the harmonious development of multinational culture and harmonious coexistence of pluralistic culture .

  10. 从文化人类学的角度审视这一传统民俗,有助于更深刻地认识仡佬族的历史文化、思想观念及民俗变迁。

    Viewing this traditional custom from the anthropological angle will be helpful for us to acknowledge the changes of the history , culture , ideology and folklore of the Gelao people .

  11. 贵州民族菜有着悠久的历史,主要由仡佬族、彝族、苗族、侗族、布依族、水族等民族菜肴组成。

    The nationalities cuisine in Province Guizhou has a long history , mainly composed of such nationalities dishes as the Qilao , Yi , Miao , Dong , Bouyei , Shui and so on .

  12. 文章从词语、句法、语音节奏和修辞等四个方面来论述黔北仡佬族傩戏剧本的语言风格,并分析其形成原因。

    And this paper seeks to expound the language style of Nuo opera in Qianbei in terms of vocabulary , syntax , phonological rhythm and rhetoric , and then analyzes the reasons of the formation .

  13. 方法对贵州省道真县三代均为仡佬族的217名成年人的434侧手、2170个手指指纹白线出现率进行了观测和统计分析。

    Methods The occurrence rates of the fingerprint white lines in 434 hands ( 2170 fingers ) from 217 adult inhabitants of Gelao nationality in Daozhen county , Guizhou province , were measured and statistically analyzed .

  14. 明代的安顺地区是一个典型的少数民族地区,居住着彝族、苗族、仡佬族、布依族等多个少数民族,各民族在语言、生计方式等方面均存在着一定的差异性。

    Anshun in the Ming Dynasty is a typical minority region , inhabited by Yi , Miao , Buyi , Gelao and many other minority nationalities , there are some differences between language and way of life and so .

  15. 浅析道真仡佬族哭嫁民俗的民族社会伦理道德教育功能弘扬中华民族优良传统道德&培育青年学生伟大民族精神

    Ethnic , Social , Ethical and Educational Functions of the Gelos Folk Custom " Kujia "( Crying at Wedding ) in Daozhen ; Develop the traditional morality of the Chinese nation Train the great national spirit of the young students

  16. 第一部分为导论,导论由四部分组成,分别阐明本文的选题意义、研究现状、本文的研究方法以及贵州省毕节地区大方县安乐彝族仡佬族乡的简介。

    The first part is introduction , introduction consists of four parts , this paper expounds the significance of topic , the research present situation , the profile in Bijie Dafang county AnLe Yi and Gelo nationality , and the research method respectively .

  17. 仡佬族是主要栖居于云贵高原,置身于多民族特别是强势民族影响和冲击的背景中,政治经济始终处于弱势地位的苦难民族,其创造的瑰丽的民族文化蕴涵了丰富的审美思想资源。

    Summary : Gelao is the main residence in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau , in the multi-ethnic especially strong influence and impact of national background , political and economic suffering nation always in a weak position , the creation of tremendous national culture includes a rich aesthetic resources .

  18. 流传于贵州省石阡县仡佬族的敬雀节是一个集人与自然、社会为一体的传统节日,历史悠久,具有深刻的文化象征与社会象征意义。

    The Gelao people 's " Bird-Respecting Festival " spreads in Shiqian County , which is a traditional festival combining the human beings , the nature and the society . It has a long history and a profound significance of the cultural symbol and the social symbol .
