
  • 网络AACHEN;RWTH;RWTH Aachen;Alemannia Aachen
  1. 但今年5月,国有汽车制造商北京汽车集团(BeijingAutomotiveGroup)首次在斯图加特、慕尼黑和亚琛举办了德国人才招聘会,目的是招聘工程师。

    But in May , Beijing Automotive Group ( BAIC ), the state-owned carmaker , held its first German recruitment fairs in Stuttgart , Munich and Aachen – to hire engineers .

  2. 他在亚琛技术大学(RWTHAachen)获得了计算机科学的硕士同等学历。

    He holds the German equivalent of a master 's degree in computer science from the Technical University of Aachen ( RWTH Aachen ) .

  3. 这样的免疫徵状「一个好的开始」亚琛说。

    The signs of immunity are an excellent start , Arntzen says .

  4. 您对亚琛学生公寓感兴趣吗?

    Are you interested in the housing facilities of the studentenwerk aachen ?

  5. 现在,他在亚琛工业大学教授若干门课程。

    He is giving several courses at RWTH Aachen University .

  6. 即使如此,亚琛和同领域的科学家还是放弃了食物疫苗。

    Even so , Arntzen and others in the field are abandoning food vaccines .

  7. 1520年10月,查理在亚琛帝国城加冕为皇帝。

    In October 1529 , in the imperial city of Aachen , Charles was crowned emperor .

  8. 另一个可能是德国的亚琛,但我宁愿去英国。

    Another possibility would be Aachen in Germany , but I 'd rather go to the UK .

  9. 每个月特里.亚琛为科摩公园动物园的大猩猩、猩猩和猴子进行演奏。

    Every month Terri Tacheny plays for gorillas , orangutans and monkeys at the Como Park Zoo .

  10. 因为到9月的第二周,美军已经打到了亚琛前面和以摩泽尔河为界的德国边境线上。

    By the second week in September American units had reached he German border before Aachen and on the Moselle .

  11. 先是法语的,然后是德语的科隆、亚琛、法兰克福这些城市的名字,她对比利时一家新闻网站说。

    First in French , then in German - Cologne , Aachen , Frankfurt , she told a Belgian news website .

  12. 斯特利尔先生是宁波工程学院和亚琛应用科学大学友好交流的开拓者。

    Strehl is the pioneer who started the friendly exchange between Ningbo University of Technology and Aachen University of Applied Science .

  13. 博朗·乌萨德尔是德国亚琛工业大学发表两种植物基因编码的其中一位科学家。

    Bjorn Usadel of Germany 's RWTH Aachen University is one of the scientists who published the genetic maps of the two plants .

  14. 他们把马棚设在查理曼陵墓旁,借此来侮辱几年前在亚琛大教堂去世的查理曼。

    As a final insult they stabled their horses by the tomb of Charlemagne dead only a few years in the cathedral of Aachen .

  15. 我加入公司后,我在欧洲完成的亚琛工业大学电气工程的研究,在德国,在'95。

    I have joined the company in '95 in Europe after I finished my studies of electrical engineering at the University of Aachen , in Germany .

  16. 同时,他还被宁波市政府聘为顾问,为宁波和亚琛市缔结友好城市作出了很大贡献。

    Meanwhile , he has severed as senior advisor for Ningbo Municipal government for a long time , making great contributions to the enhancement of Sister-city relationships between Ningbo and Aachen .