
rǔ míng
  • infant name;child's pet name
乳名 [rǔ míng]
  • [infant name;child's pet name] 小名;奶名

乳名[rǔ míng]
  1. 那是他的乳名,直呼不得

    That 's his name , don 't wear it out .

  2. 我只知道自己的生日和乳名。

    I only remember my birthday and my infant name .

  3. 她白发如雪,正在含泪为青草浇水,低声呼唤儿子的乳名。

    Her hair as white as snow , she was irrigating green grasses in tears , lowly whisper her son 's pet name .

  4. 高贵友乳名“狗子”,14岁时离开家来到天津,当了刘家蒸食铺的小伙计。

    At the age of14 , Doggie left home and came to Tianjin , where he was apprenticed to a restaurant specializing in stuffed buns .

  5. 他是出生在约瑟夫和罗斯·肯尼迪这个爱尔兰天主教家庭的九个孩子中最小的一个,乳名为特德或者特迪。

    Known as Ted or Teddy , he was the youngest of nine children born to the Irish Catholic family of Joseph and Rose Kennedy .

  6. 字想你!大名叫懂你!芳名叫疼你!乳名叫念你!书名叫梦你!外号叫追你!

    my cognomen is " understand you , " appellation is " feel badly about you , " epithet is " think of you " , book name is " dream of you , " nickname is " chase you . "