
dān guì
  • orange osmanthus;orange osmantghs
丹桂 [dān guì]
  • [orange osmanths] 一种常绿灌木,雌雄异株,叶长椭圆形,开橘红色花,香味很浓,是珍贵的观赏植物。又叫金桂

丹桂[dān guì]
  1. 不同贮藏方法对丹桂播种成活率的影响

    The Influences of Different Method of Seed Storing on the Survival Rate of Orange osmanthus ' Seedling-raising

  2. 浦城的丹桂产业,是浦城县重要的特色农业产业,既有厚重的文化底蕴,又有良好的产业发展基础。

    County of orange osmanthus industry , is a county the important characteristics of the agricultural industry , has strong cultural , and good industry foundation .

  3. 接着对浦城县丹桂产业进行SWOT分析,优势有:自然条件和种质优越,文化底蕴深厚,工作基础扎实,产业条件良好。

    Then the county osmanthus industry SWOT analysis , advantages : superior natural conditions and germplasm , profound cultural background , the work foundation , industry condition is good .

  4. 本文以浦城县丹桂的产业化为选题。

    The county of Osmanthus industrialization as the topic .

  5. 丹桂村南食水配水库

    Tan Kwai Tsuen South Fresh Water Service Reservoir

  6. 色质较深的金桂往往与丹桂品种群的多个品种聚在一起。

    Cultivars with deep color in Luteus Group often clustered together with several cultivars in Aurantiacus Group .

  7. 参芪丹桂汤治疗老年病态窦房结综合征35例

    35 Cases of Senile Sick Sinus Syndrome Treated With Ginseng , Astragalus , Moutan Bark and Cinnamon Decoction

  8. 金秋十月,丹桂飘香,各种水果的香味在空气中弥漫。

    Autumn in October , Tan Kwai fragrance and a variety of fruit aroma in the air was filled .

  9. 根据开花季节、花序类型和花色等不同,将88个桂花品种划归四季桂、银桂、金桂和丹桂四个品种群。

    The 88 cultivars belong to 4 groups , based on different flowering seasons , inflorescence types and flower colors .

  10. 以3年生丹桂苗为试材,研究了不同修剪技术措施对桂花幼苗生长、水分、光合色素及光合作用日变化的影响。

    Effect of growth , water and daily changes of photosynthesis on yang Osmanthus fragrans Lour with trimming method were studied .

  11. 元朗公路由蓝地至丹桂村段的工程已安排由后海湾干线工程中设计与建造。

    The widening works for the highway section between Lam Tei and Tan Kwai Tsuen are designed and constructed under the Deep Bay Link project .

  12. 内蒙古地区不同耕作方式与播种深度燕麦耐盐碱性分析不同贮藏方法对丹桂播种成活率的影响

    Effect of tillage techniques and planting depth on saline-alkali tolerance of oats in Inner Mongolia The Influences of Different Method of Seed Storing on the Survival Rate of Orange osmanthus ' Seedling-raising

  13. 首先是绪论,然后简要介绍了浦城县基本概况和浦城丹桂的基本情况,主要是浦城丹桂的产业现状,生态特性和种植技术。

    First is the introduction , and then briefly introduces the basic situation of Pucheng County and osmanthus basic situation , mainly Pucheng osmanthus industrial current situation , ecological characteristics and cultivation technology of .