- 名mesophyte

Plant adapted for life with a limited supply of water ; compare hydrophyte and mesophyte .
Gramineae life form was made up of perennial plant and annual plant and the ecotype was consisted of mesophyte and xerophyte .
The photosynthetic rates of less-succulent and succulent xerophytes were 16.74 and 14.04 CO_2 mg / g. dw . h respectively , without clear difference between them .
A land plant that grows in an environment having a moderate amount of moisture
Transpiration and conductivity rate of plants in HE-XI area in relation to internal and external environmental factors of leaf
The shrub grassland is dominated in number and function , and most species in the shrub grassland are xerophils and mesophytes .
Characteristics and Prospect of Microorganism in Coastline Halophytic Vegetation A land plant that grows in an environment having a moderate amount of moisture
The population of Sabina vulgaris are mainly typical mesophyte , secondly the xerophytes , super-xerophytes ; the proportion of Phreatophyte is very small .
According to principle component analysis ordination on leaf anatomical characteristics , the 8 species from Xiangshan were divided into three groups : sun xerophyte , sun mesophyte , and shade-enduring mesophyte .
H respectively . The ratios of photosynthetic rate to respiratory rate in less - succulent xerophytes , succulent xerophytes and mesophytes were 2.50, 3.09 and 4.59 CO_2 mg / g. dw .
Common seabuckthorn has strong tillering capacity , its root system has the dissecting characteristic similar to the root of hydrophyte , while its above-ground part has the characteristic of xerophyte , so common seabuckthorn belongs to mesad .
Mesic plants limited water loss from transpiration by increasing their stoma resistance , while xeric plants decreased water loss by keeping the high concentration of cell protoplasm . The latter had a higher efficiency of keeping water than the former .
Mesophytes have the greatest number in water ecological form , which has 577 species accounting for 61.1 % of the total species ; xerophyte is in the second order , with 291 species accounting for 30.8 % of the total species ;
Species were xerophyte or mesic xerophyte , 5 speices were mesophyte or xeric mesophyte .
Thus succulent xerophytes and mesophytes did not mainly depend on accumulating free proline to adapt to arid environments .
The xerophytes and meso-xerophytes are abundant , there are many mutual species with Inner Mongolia , which incarnated the biology corridor function of Yellow River ;
The gathering of perennial herbs is an internal factor forming the meadow vegetation and a key position in meadow formation , development and ecological correlation .
The main vegetation types are halophytes and mesoxerophytes in the ancient area , while the abandoned and estuary areas are mainly with hygrophytes and halophytes .
The variability of intermediate xerophytes is low at ecological type functional groups . At community level , the yearly coefficient variation of aboveground biomass is in the range of 13.16 % ~ 23.62 % .
From the viewpoint of a different type of life and moisture ecotypes , perennial rhizomatous grass and the mesophytes play a leading role . Their total density change is the same as their changes .
The life form functional group component of diversity was a greater determinant of the ecosystem processes than the species component of diversity .
Under saline conditions , halophytes usually accumulate inorganic anions or synthesized organic acid , to neutralize massive positive charges and maintain intracellular ion balance .
The time required to reach 90 % of maximum net photosynthetic rate differed among species , and was short ( 4.4 - 12.5 min ) , which was consistent with induction times reported in other tropical shade-tolerant species .
Intermediate xerophytes is the main component in plant life form functional groups .
The moisture ecotypes consist of 72.2 % of mesophyte , 17.2 % of hydrophyte or hygrophyte and 10.7 % of xerophyte , respectively .
In ecological type functional groups , the compensated actions mainly occur between xerophytes and intermediate xerophytes , intermediate mesophytes and intermediate xerophytes , and intermediate xerophytes and mesophytes .
Perennial herbaceous plants account for 63.06 % in all life form plants , water ecotype which is mesophyte primarily account for 53.15 % ; the following is mesophyte-xero - phyte , which indicate that the meadow habitat fitting for herbaceous plants is much more .
Seaweed is an inferior cryptogamous plant in the sea . The nutrients of seaweeds are greatly different from that of plants on land because of their particular environment . Seaweed contains rich minerals and vitamins that are much less in amount in ordinary plants on land .