
zhōng xīn zhì
  • centroplasm
中心质[zhōng xīn zhì]
  1. 初步从中心质假说、最大密实理论、力学分析和硅粉对RPC材料的贡献等几个宏观方面探讨了RPC200的超高强机理。

    The high mechanism of RPC200 has been studied tentatively from centroplasm hypothesis , most density theory , mechanics analysis and silicon powder contribution for RPC .

  2. 分析了RPC的性能与原材料的粒径分布和微观结构之间的关系,并用中心质假说对其高强、高韧性机理进行探讨。

    Relationships between properties of RPC 、 particle distribution of raw material and microstructure were analyzed , and mechanism of high strength and high toughness were discussed by using " assumption of central grains " .

  3. 粗集料中心质效应的一些探讨

    Some Research on the Core Effect of Coarse Aggregate

  4. 统计皮层下动脉硬化性脑病81例,结果:全部病例于侧脑室周围以及半卵圆中心白质出现斑片状低密度灶,绝大多数是对称性;

    81 cases of SAE , the results ( 1 ) all the cases with macular low-density focals around lateral ventricle and central white matter in half-oval , most of them were in symmetry .

  5. 结论气道中心性间质纤维化不同于其他间质性肺病,但其是否为一个独特的疾病有待进一步明确。

    Objective To describe a form of interstitial lung disease pathologically characterized by small airway-centered interstitial fibrosis ( ACIF ) .

  6. 目的:探讨经纤支镜介入微创治疗在中心气道器质性狭窄中的作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore the efficacy of tiny-wound treatment by fibrobronchoscope catheter intervention in the organic constriction of center airway .

  7. 马克思关于完整人的基本内涵是以劳动实践质为核心、社会质为中心、自然质为基础、意识质为主导的四者的统一。

    The fundamental intension of Marx 's whole man is the unity of taking labour essence as the core , society essence as the center , nature essence as the basis , and consciousness essence as the leading factor .

  8. 淋巴结反应性增生中生发中心B细胞胞质大量表达bcl蛳10,边缘区中等量表达,在套区B细胞较少表达;

    In activited lymph follicles , cytoplasmic expression of bcl - 10 protein was abundantly in the germinal center B cell , moderately in the marginal zone , and rarely in the mantle zone B cell .