
  • 网络The Chinese Red Cross Foundation;CRCF;China Red Cross Foundation
  1. 去年超级女声冠军被选为中国红十字基金会(CRCF)的“玉米爱心基金”的大使。

    The winner of the Super Girl singing contest last year has been chosen as the ambassador for the " Yu Mi Loving Fund " of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation ( CRCF ) .

  2. 亚洲儿童艺术展秉承着公益奉献的思想,与中国红十字基金会蓝飘带基金携手&“描绘明天·爱心传递”。

    Asian Children 's Art Show upholds the ideas of public benefits , together with the Chinese Red Cross Foundation Blue Ribbon Fund to " Painting the Tomorrow , Passing the Love " .

  3. 王说,目前,中国红十字基金会已经从玉米那里收到6000多笔捐赠,总计40万元人民币(约5万多美元)。

    At present , CRCF has received more than 6000 donations from fans totaling 400000yuan ( US $ 50000 ) .