
  • 网络Architectural Society of China;asc;CIID
  1. 中国建筑学会九届二次常务理事会纪要

    Minutes of the Second Session of the Ninth Standing Council Meeting of the ASC West China development council

  2. 1999年北京召开的UIA建筑师大会是一座代表中国建筑学会与UIA多年合作的里程碑。

    In 1999 , Beijing architects were convened by the General Assembly . This is a milestone of Architectural Society of China and UIA .

  3. 资本主义发展历史进程的哲学思考试论村镇建设的新阶段&为迎接中国建筑学会村镇建设学术讨论会而作

    On the Development of Capitalist Society New Stage in Rural Development

  4. 他是中国建筑学会的会员。

    He is a member of the Chinese building society .

  5. 中国建筑学会1997年青年建筑师奖综述

    A Summary of the Young Architects Award of the Architectural Society of China

  6. 室内设计界的古城盛会&2002中国建筑学会室内设计分会(CIID)西安年会综述

    Grand Gathering of Interior Design Industry in Ancient City

  7. 国外苗木产业发展的现状及对我国的启示和谐的照明中国建筑学会物理分会理事皇甫炳炎谈景观照明设计

    Development Situation of the Overseas Seedling Industry and the Illumination to China HARMONY ILLUMINATION

  8. 和谐的照明中国建筑学会物理分会理事皇甫炳炎谈景观照明设计园林照明研究

    HARMONY ILLUMINATION On the Design of Garden Illumination

  9. 中国建筑学会室内设计分会会员。

    He is a member of Institute of Interiror Design of Architectural Society of China .

  10. 是中国建筑学会理事、中国建筑学会地基基础学术委员会主任委员。

    Huang is the member of China Building Institute , director of Foundation Academic committee in China Building Institute .

  11. 中国建筑学会建筑师分会第四届会员代表大会暨2005年学术年会侧记

    Representative ' conference and the Year ' Conference 2005 of the Architects ' Branch of the Architectural Society of China

  12. 中国建筑学会建筑史学分会第五届年会综述中国建筑史学研究的学术回顾与反思

    A summary of 5th Academic Forum of AHSC ( Architectura History society of China ) of ASC Review and Rethink on Chinese Architecture Historiography Learning

  13. 可持续发展背景下的建筑师执业能力:中国建筑学会建筑师分会2008年学术年会评述

    Architects ' Practicing Ability under The Backdrop of Sustainable Development : Review of Architects Chapter of Architectural Society of China at The Academic Annual Meeting 2008

  14. 城市现代化进程赋予建筑师新的使命和责任:中国建筑学会建筑理论与创作委员会2006年学术年会侧记

    Architects'New Mission and Responsibility Charged by the Urban Modernization Progress : Annual Conference 2006 of the Division of Architectural Theories and Creation of Architectural Society of China

  15. 由中国建筑学会室内设计分会组织并发起的宁波年会上,提出了“个性化设计”的主题,引起了有关室内设计风格的讨论热潮。

    Finally , a prototype-system used in the gear-box individuation design is presented , with a discussion on the establishing process of the correlative models and fe .

  16. 迎接新世纪的挑战加速中国建筑走向世界的步伐&中国建筑学会第八届理事会工作报告

    Facing the Challenge of the New Century ; Quikening the Steps of Chinese Architecture towards the World ── Report at the Eighth Council of the Architectural Society of China