
  1. 中国地震学会举行1983年春节学术座谈会

    1983 Spring Festival meeting of the Seismological Society of China

  2. 热烈祝贺中国地震学会成立

    Warm congratulations upon the foundation of Seismological Society of China

  3. 中国地震学会地震工程专业委员会成立

    A committee on earthquake engineering was formed under the Chinese Seismological Society

  4. 中国地震学会1987年学术会议活动概况

    General account of the academic symposia by the Seismological Society of China in 1987

  5. 中国地震学会地震观测技术专业委员会1995年工作会议纪要

    A meeting summary 1995 of Seismological Observation Technology Commission , Seismological Society of China

  6. 中国地震学会1981年地震小区划学术讨论会概况综述

    An Overview of the Symposium on Seismic Microzoning Sponsored by the Chinese Seismological Society in 1981

  7. 中国地震学会2000年工作总结暨2001年学术活动计划

    Summing-up of the Work in 2000 and the Program of Academic Activities in 2001 of the Seismological Society of China

  8. 中国地震学会第二届六次在京常务理事扩大会议召开

    Opening of the sixth enlarged meeting of members of the Standing Council in beijing , the second congress of the Seismological Society of China

  9. 中国地震学会第二届代表大会暨学术年会于1985年1月24&27日在北京召开。有180名代表参加了这次会议。

    The 2nd Congress of the Seismological Society of China and Symposium was held in Beijing from January 24 to 27, 1985.About 180 delegates took part in the conference .

  10. 本文主要概述了中国地震学会主持召开的7次学术会议,并分别介绍了每次会议的主办单位、时间、地点、主要宗旨以及效果等。

    The paper mainly outlines the seven symposia under the auspices of the Seismological Society of China , and deals separately with the sponsor units , date , place , main purpose and results of each symposium .

  11. 中国地震学会1986年共召开了10次学术会议,其中3次是与有关兄弟学会和单位联合举办的,共宣读学术论文797篇。

    Altogether there were ten symposia convened by the Seismological Society of China in 1986 , of which three were jointly sponsored with related fraternal societies and units , and 797 papers were read at these meetings .

  12. 总结了中国地震学会2000年的工作,内容包括中国地震学会2000年的学术交流活动、织工作和科学普及工作;介绍了中国地震学会2001年的学术活动计划。

    This article sums up the work of the Seismological Society of China in2000 , including the academic interflow , organic work and the work of popular science ; introduces the program of academic activities of the Seismological Society of China in2001 .