
  1. 并以中南大学图书馆数字资源的状况为实例,针对不同类型用户在信息服务过程中涉及的知识产权问题做了调查分析。

    And take south central University library figure resource situation as example together , for different types of user information services in the course of intellectual property issues involved in analysis of a survey done .

  2. 对中南民族大学图书馆建立民族文献书目数据库的思索

    Probe into the Establishment of Ethnologic Documents Bibliographic Database in the Library of South-Central University for Nationalities

  3. 统借统还模式下防止图书毁损的对策研究&以中南林业科技大学图书馆为例

    Study on the Countermeasures of Book-damages in University Library under the Unified-borrowing and Unified-lending Model Taking the Library of South Central Forestry S T university as an Example

  4. 图书馆海量信息存储系统模式的选择与设计&中南财经政法大学新图书馆信息存储系统

    Selection and Design of the Library Enormous Data Storage System Mode & The Data Storage System in the New Library of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law , Wuhan 430060