
  • 网络Shanghai Hotel;grand central hotel shanghai
  1. 米高嘉道理爵士、王伟贤先生以及香港上海大酒店有限公司董事总经理兼行政总裁郭敬文先生,先后致词。

    The opening ceremony featured speeches by Sir Michael , David Wang and Clement K.M Kwok , Managing Director and CEO , The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels , Limited .

  2. 我们将于2011年5月8日下午3:00-5:00在上海大酒店举行鸡尾酒会。期待您的光临。

    We will hold a cocktail party at 3:00-5:00 p.m. , on May 8th , 2011 , in Shanghai Grand Hotel . We are looking forward to having your company in the party .

  3. 8.邀请担任发言人亲爱的史密斯先生:我们将于2011年5月14日,星期五早晨9:00-11:00在上海大酒店举行新闻发布会,发布我公司最近开发的一款新产品。

    Dear Mr. Smith , We are going to have a press conference at Shanghai Grand Hotel at 9:00-11:00 , next Friday morning , May 14 , 2011 . We organize it to launch a new product model recently developed by our company .

  4. 我喜欢难看的浦东,特别是在晚上,灿烂的灯光似乎没有受到环境的影响,上海金茂君悦大酒店(grandhyatt)88层顶层公寓的灯光向我诉说着难以想象的盈利谈判。

    I warm to hideous Pudong , especially at night when its blazing illuminations seem impervious to ecology , and the lights from the 88th floor penthouse suites of the Grand Hyatt speak to me of unimaginably profitable negotiations .

  5. 准确定位是酒店成功经营的关键&试析上海古北湾大酒店的取胜之道

    The accurate positioning is the key to the success of hotel management

  6. 上海海屹达大酒店是按标准四星级豪华装修的花园式商务酒店,占地23亩。

    Shanghai Haiyida Hotel is a luxurious gardenized business hotel equivalent to4 Star .

  7. 上海哈瓦那大酒店设计

    Havana Hotel in shanghai

  8. 第五届圣诞袜子会慈善派对在上海锦沧文华大酒店藏丞坊西餐厅举行。

    The5th Christmas Stocking Charity Party was held at Wine Bar & Grill restaurant in Shanghai JC Mandarin on18 December , 2010 .

  9. 谈到专业精神和创造,上海龙之梦丽晶大酒店有着过人之处。

    When it comes to professionalism and creating a unique experience the Regent Shanghai excels .

  10. 上海瑞吉红塔大酒店日前任命蔡楚强先生为酒店经理。

    St. Regis Hotel , Shanghai has announced the appointment of Mr. Chris Tsoi as the Hotel Manager .

  11. 上海财大豪生大酒店共设272间豪华客房及行政套房,均设计高雅、风格时尚,为商务客人提供绝佳的舒适享受。

    The Hotel's272 spacious guestrooms and suites are decorated and furnished with elegant design and modern amenities to offer guest ultimate indulgence .

  12. 被犹如天堂般的绿色花园拥抱着,您可以在上海千禧海鸥大酒店拥有一次难忘的体验。

    Embraced within a botanical haven of lush greeneries , you can be assured of a most memorable experience at Millennium Hongqiao Hotel Shanghai .

  13. 上海千禧海鸥大酒店正在以自己独特的方式成为虹桥地区的一刻冉冉上升的新星。

    The general manager is still not contented with the achievements made by Millennium Shanghai , a rising star in the city 's prosperous Hongqiao area .

  14. 上海康柏苑大酒店中餐厅以现代简约式装饰风格,高雅、气派,在此可以享受上海海派菜肴的精致美味。

    Hotel Chinese restaurant after the modern minimalist style decoration style , elegance , style , where you can enjoy the exquisite cuisine of Shanghai Shanghai taste .

  15. 三月烟花下扬州,在这个美好的季节里,上海海神诺富特大酒店组织员工游览了扬州著名的景点,此类的活动不但提高了员工的团队意识,也增进了员工之间的感情。

    Spring outings for staff of Novotel Shanghai Atlantis and here the first batch of employees went to Yangzhou for a2 days break to build teamwork and camaraderie .

  16. 如今只要提到上海宏安瑞士大酒店,人们首先联想到的就是其优雅和高品质的个人服务,在这背后酒店付出了非常大的努力。

    The Swiss ô tel Grand Shanghai is always associated with efficient service and quality product which can 't be achieved without great efforts , including the hotel 's applauded internal training system .

  17. 在上海锦江汤臣大酒店,敬请体验独一无二的洲际婚礼。

    Experience all the best in an Intercontinental Wedding in Intercontinental Shanghai Pudong .

  18. 实习期满后,上海黄河佘山索菲特大酒店将为表现优异的实习生提供在我们酒店工作的机会。

    After the internship , Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Huanghe will offer the well-performed trainees real jobs in our hotel .

  19. 上海东锦江索菲特大酒店专业的会务设施以及舒服的入住环境,为此次重要会议的成功举行提供了完善的服务保障。

    The professional conference facilities and the comfortable accommodation service of the hotel fully supported the needs of this remarkable conference .

  20. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店旺盛的生命力让人一如既往地对她充满信任与憧憬。

    Having faith in this vigorous hotel , we 're looking forward to a glorious future of Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel .

  21. 我们上海黄河佘山索菲特大酒店为所有实习生提供我们最关切的照顾,优越的福利待遇和长期发展的机会,如下。

    Our Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Huanghe is providing internship trainees our thoughtful cares , competitive benefits and long-term development opportunities as follows .

  22. 很多客人都向施华德先生反映说,上海扬子江万丽大酒店就像是他们的第二个家一样的温馨。

    Schaller has received warm responses from guests who told him they felt the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel is their second home .

  23. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店位于上海虹桥高级商业区的中心地带,临近主要的高速公路,堪称真正的“家外之家”。

    Located in the heart of Hongqiao , Shanghai upscale business district , Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel is your home away from home .

  24. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店携众多知名赞助商将向各位呈现一届真正的,独一无二的德国啤酒节!

    In collaboration with many loyal sponsors , Renaissance Shanghai Yangzte Hotel will bring you the magic of the one and only authentic Oktoberfest in town !

  25. 上海正地豪生大酒店位于上海浦东新区外高桥保税区,与风景优美的高桥公园为邻。

    Ideally located in the heart of Gaoqiao Area , Howard Johnson Plaza Waigaoqiao Shanghai is right opposite to Gaoqiao Park , minutes away from Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone .

  26. 盛夏的一个黄昏,笔者应邀来到上海扬子江万丽大酒店的福满楼餐厅,参加由其举办的“缤纷健康特色美食”媒体品茗会。

    On one midsummer evening , I went to the Dynasty Restaurant at Renaissance Yangtze Hotel Shanghai to attend the Press Appreciation Conference of the theme campaign " Various Special Healthy Food " .

  27. 尽管这一活动如今还在讨论阶段,但有理由相信,上海扬子江万丽大酒店在今年下半年一定会带给我们全新的餐饮新概念。

    Although this proposal is still in discussion , we have the reason to believe that the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel will come up with redefined culinary concepts in the second half of2008 .

  28. 上海万豪虹桥大酒店健康中心经理代会新及其团队一直努力地把健康中心营造成为一个温馨舒适,浓厚家庭氛围的运动健康会所。

    Dick Dai , the Health Club Manager of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao , has14 years managing experience in health and fitness field , so he knows how to meet the needs of guests .

  29. 在上海万豪虹桥大酒店品尝着鲜美多汁的意大利式牛排,喝着上好的葡萄酒,当您享受着这些美味的时候,是否会想到这可能是出自某位名人之手?

    When you treat yourself or are treated to steak and wine at the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao , does it occur to you that the succulent delight could be the work of a celebrity ?