
wàn lì
  • Wanli
  • wanli,title of the Shen Zong's reign in Ming Dynasty
万历 [wàn lì]
  • [wanli,title of the Shen Zong's reign in Ming Dynasty] 明神宗朱翊公元的年号(公元1573-1619年)

  • 万历初。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  1. 万历皇帝十岁登基,在位四十八年。

    Emperor Wanli acceded to the throne at the age of ten and occupied it for48 years ( 1573-1620 ) .

  2. 生于明万历四十二年(1614)。

    Wanli Ming was born in forty-two years ( 1614 ) .

  3. 万历文坛楚风之崛起及其背景

    The Rising of Chu Spirit in Wan-Li Literary World and Its Background

  4. 紫柏大师与万历社会研究

    A Study of Buddha Zi Bo and the Society in Wan Li Reign Period

  5. 明万历时期是明王朝走向崩溃的一个重要时期。

    The Wan-li period is a critical period for the Ming Dynasty 's collapse .

  6. 明代徽商合伙制店铺融资形态分析&以万历程氏染店帐本为例

    An Analysis of the Financing Configuration of Hui Shang 's Stores in the Ming Dynasty

  7. 第四章介绍万历至天启作家。

    The fourth part introduces the writers in the period from Wan Li to tianqi .

  8. 《乐律全书》是明代嘉靖至万历年间产生的一部具有世界先进水平的巨著。

    Yuel ü quanshu is a great work on the level with advanced world music theory .

  9. 明万历年间因转运东莞所有香木始有香港一称。

    Ming Wanli due to transfer all Dongguan Xiang Mu Hong Kong has only one said .

  10. 万历六年(1578),西固分设阶州州同。

    Wanli six years ( 1578 ), West Solid State is divided into the same order .

  11. 自1582年(明万历十年)西方传教士首次获准入居中国后,来华传教士便络绎不绝。

    In 1582 , two western missionaries were permitted to live in China for the first time .

  12. 三娘子是明朝隆庆、万历年间一位杰出的蒙古族女政治家。

    Sanniangzi was an outstanding female politician of Mongolian nationality during Longqin and Wanli time in Ming Dynasty .

  13. 定陵是明代万历皇帝及其两皇后的陵墓。

    The Ding Mausoleum is a tomb of Emperor Wanli ( Ming Dynasty ) and his two empresses .

  14. 作者以为明代传奇在万历朝的繁荣,至少有以下几个方面的因素:(一)社会矛盾的刺激;

    The author thinks there are at least below five factors ,( a ) the incitement of society contradictory ;

  15. 第三是定陵,为万历皇帝和他的两个皇后的墓地。

    The third one is Dingling , the tomb of Emperor Wanli ( 1573-1620 ) and his two empresses .

  16. 明万历抄本《钵中莲》在人物设计上有着鲜明的民间喜剧特色。

    The characters ' designing in Bo Zhong Lian which appeared in Ming Dynasty , is characteristic of folk comedy .

  17. 明万历二十三年(公元1595年),安化黑茶被朝廷正式定为运销西北的官茶。

    In1595 during Ming Dynasty , Anhua dark tea has been officially designated as the official tea for sale in the Northwest .

  18. 明嘉靖万历时浙江绍兴府余姚地区的社会风俗变化很大,并深刻影响到生活方式以及人们的观念。

    In Jiajing and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty , social customs had changed greatly in Yuyao area , Zhejiang province .

  19. 摘要《群音类选》是明代万历年间的一个重要的戏曲选本。

    Classified collection of various sounds is an important Anthology of plays and operas during the wingli era of the Ming dynasty .

  20. 会试录取率,自洪武至万历中平均为8.6%;

    The average enrollment rate of the Hui-shi was 8.6 , from the period of the Hong-Wu to the middle of the Wan-li ;

  21. 明代嘉靖(1522-1566)至万历(1573-1620)年间,江村商人崛起于商界。

    During the Ming Dynasty , the merchants rose to prominence in commercial circles From Jajing ( 1522-1566 ) to Wanli ( l573-1620 ) .

  22. 嘉靖、万历年间,中国传统天文学在经历了明初以来长期停滞状态以后出现了复兴的局面,这种复兴是伴随着历法改革而出现的。

    The revival of the traditional calendrical astronomy in the late Ming Dynasty appeared along with the calendar reform in the late Ming Dynasty .

  23. 1596年,伊丽沙白一世女王曾写信给明朝的万历皇帝,表示希望能发展英中之间的贸易。

    In 1596 Queen Elizabeth the First wrote to the Ming Emperor Wan Li expressing the hope that trade could be developed between Britain and China .

  24. 其中关于开凿与否的论争围绕嘉靖、隆庆、万历三个历史时期展开,同时分析最高统治者的态度。

    Which focuses on jia Jing , long qing and Wan li three historical periods . Sinking or not , and the attitude of the ruler .

  25. 始建于明朝万历年间的古猗园,在众多的江南古典园林中独具魅力。

    Guyi Garden , which was built since the Wanli years of Ming dynasty , is so unique and outstanding among many classic gardens in the South .

  26. 1602年春,万历帝在位期间,76岁的李贽被捕人狱,迫害致死。

    In the spring of 1602 , during the reign of Emperor Wanli , Li , then 76 , was arrested , imprisoned and hounded to death .

  27. 经调查,芜湖古城始建於明代万历三年(公元1575年),费时六年完成的明代芜湖城。

    Investigations have shown that the ancient city of Wuhu started to be built in Ming Dynasty in 1575 and it took six years to complete the construction .

  28. 该事件对崂山道教的发展却产生了积极的影响。崂山道教从而在万历年间得到了一定发展。

    This event caused and positive effect on the development of Taoism on Mountain Lao , which thus had some development in the year of " Wanli " .

  29. 大量名家参与批点,插图版画无图不精成为《西厢记》刊本特别是万历至明末刊刻高潮时期的突出特点。

    A distinct characteristic from Wanli Period ( 1573-1620 ) to the end of Ming Dynasty was that many famous critics comment on the play and supplied nice illustrations .

  30. 万历二十年(1592)四月,日本大举入侵朝鲜。

    In April in the 20th year after the emperor of Ming Dynasty Wan Li began to be in authority ( 1592 ), Japan invaded Korea on a large scale .