
  • 网络Seven Fairy
  1. 七仙女杯物理现象的模拟及其定量解释

    The Simulation and Quantitative Explanation of Physical Phenomenon in " Qixiannv " Cup

  2. 公司拥有“七仙女”织品加工户上百余家,古老脚踏木制斜梁机千余台。

    The company owes more than one hundred home-made factories , over one thousand old looms .

  3. 七仙女从织女中分离出来的过程也即董永遇仙传说独立的过程。

    The legend of Dong Yong Encountering the Fairy gained its independence when the Seventh Fairy parted from Zhi NU .

  4. 《董永与七仙女》的故事一直流传至今,成为了家喻户晓的经典民间口头文学。

    " Dong Yong with Seven Female celestial " the story has spread until now , has become the widely known classical folk oral literature .

  5. 在工业化飞速发展的今天,“七仙女”重燃民族织艺文化异彩,使这一独具魅力的民间古老传统工艺得到了继承与发展延续。

    With the development of modern Industry " the Seventh Fairy Maiden " brand can make the national culture brighter and make the home-made traditional skills carrying on and on .

  6. 后来,天帝发觉了这事,把吴刚罚到月宫里去伐桂,又把七仙女儿子的登云鞋没收了,遣送下凡。

    Having been noticed by the Emperor of Heaven , Wu Gang was punished by chopping a cassia tree in the Moon Palace , and the son was sent back to the earth and the shoes were taken back .

  7. 他的牛顽皮地叫牛郎去偷她们七个仙女的衣服。

    His cow cheekily asked him to steal their clothes .

  8. 他们一走进大厅,第七位仙女从窗外飞了进来。

    Just as they entered the great hall , the seventh fairy flew through the window .

  9. 但是,第七个善良仙女突然出现了,大家还记得,她还没送给小公主她的祝福礼物。

    But suddenly there appeared the seventh of the good fairies who , as you remember , had not yet wished her gift on the little princess .