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  • 网络青年企业家组织;亚萨卡;企业家协会
  1. I am officer Yeo students need to study . right ?


  2. Among those who lost their seats is Singapore 's Foreign Minister George Yeo .


  3. Yeo [ 18 ] showed that regular multipartite tournament is Hamiltonian .


  4. The unique biodiversity attracts the likes of Ron Yeo , who leads regular nature walks here .


  5. Yeo spoke late Tuesday in Singapore , where foreign ministers from the10-member organization are holding meetings .


  6. According to Ms. Yeo , there are about 200 people who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery in Hong Kong .


  7. Before her murder , Rachelle Yeo knew she was in danger .


  8. Scientists aren 't exactly sure why some people are left-handed , but they know that genes are responsible about 25 % of the time , says Yeo .


  9. Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo says Burma recently approved the charter and will likely formally announce its decision when regional foreign ministers meet Sunday .


  10. Six hours and 15 minutes a night of un-interrupted sleep makes for the happiest people , a study commissioned by the British company Yeo Valley found .


  11. But , in keeping with ASEAN 's history of non-interference in member states ' affairs , Yeo also said the group could do little about Burma 's decision .


  12. Yeo KBS Broadcasting Station


  13. Bee Yin Yeo , Malaysia 's minister of energy , science , technology , environment and climate change , is featured for leading environmental efforts to reduce single-use plastics .


  14. BG George yeo , then Minister for information and the arts , played a crucial role when he called for the villa to be developed into a historical landmark in1994 .


  15. In his launching speech , BG Yeo also spoke of the objective to promote Mandarin as a " high language " for Chinese Singaporeans , " on par with the English language " .


  16. Edmund Yeo ( director of Fleeting Images ) is a Malaysian filmmaker who was born in Singapore in1984 , trained in Australia and now based in Japan .


  17. For enhancing the stature of NTU as a research-intensive university through innovative technologies , Prof Yeo Kiat Seng is presented the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award .


  18. One of the most detailed studies on the link between beauty and intelligence was done by mark prokosch , Ronald Yeo and Geoffrey miller , who also work at the University of new mexico .


  19. Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching , Sarawak , Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha .


  20. ' But this figure can 't represent the real number of people having surgery , ' says Ms. Yeo , given that some seek the treatment overseas , such as in Thailand , in part out of social stigma attached to the procedure .


  21. The Minister for news and the arts , BG George yeo , mentioned in his article at the relaunch of the Lianhe Zaobao recently that in many South-East Asian countries , many people are taking up Chinese as the second language .


  22. Local government subsidies drove this sales growth , but an investigation into fraudulent claims could cut local spending on upgrades of public transport in the short term , which may eat into Yutong 's sales of electric vehicles , according to Zhi Aik Yeo , an analyst at Jefferies .
