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  • 网络xls文件;计划表;预算书;考核表;预算表;日报表
  1. Research of Conversion on XLS File to DOC Document


  2. Xlt & labor quota management . xls three documents .


  3. Pricing information ( pricing . xls ): List of current price for each item ( Box type ) .


  4. XLS sensors feature cross-hair option for spatial probing with visual feed-back .


  5. XLS - ⅱ Tethered Balloon Sounding System


  6. Double-click the XLS file to load Excel , and verify that the appropriate text appears in the worksheet .


  7. It provides a convenient way to export data to known formats ( pdf , xls , rtf , csv , html , etc. )


  8. Historical data use a variety of standards , such as XML , CSV , XLS , PDF , DITA , and XBRL .


  9. MVT is introducing two laser sensors series , CLS and XLS optimized for hand-held operations , highly accurate and truly mobile , based on proprietary technology .


  10. As an example , the composition of txt files , xls files and dbf files under FOXPRO condition is demonstrated and their computation is presented as well .


  11. Base on the statistical analysis of upper maximal wind in dry season at Xichang Launch Site ( XLS ), its relationship of general circulation with the synoptic system is analyzed .


  12. The attachment can be a PDF or a DOC file , an XLS spreadsheet , a binary image , or a voice or video multi-media file .


  13. This paper attempts to analyse the features and inter-relations of such data files as txt , xls and dbf . In addition , the transformation of different types of computer software is made easier transformed .


  14. The principle is that the graph is inserted into the VB application routine with using OLE controls , then , refresh of data is performed by data written into the . XLS at the time running excel .


  15. This paper uses XLS to express map knowledge . It transforms Geography Markup Language ( GML ) to SVG , then to realize the symbolized GML and perform the map representation of GML .


  16. Exe in the back . The method is that . XLS is built in the excel , OLE object is created in the VB application routine , and data dynamic activation is executed using the data refresh function .


  17. Find confidential spreadsheets : again , a term like " filetype : XLS site : Za confidential " will pull confidential spreadsheets that have been accidentally posted in public , in this case in Brazil .
