
  • 网络新华网
  1. Xinhuanet : Belgium is Chinas sixth biggest trading partner in EU , while China is the second biggest trading partner of Belgium outside EU .


  2. Xinhuanet : Mr. Ambassador , you took the office last year . In our earlier interview , you mentioned your close ties with China , Had you ever been to China before that ?


  3. Li Lintao , an official from China Green Food Development Center , told reporters the green food industry has grown rapidly in recent years , Xinhuanet reports .


  4. XICHANG , Sichuan , April 19 ( Xinhuanet ) & China successfully sent two new satellites into space early Monday with a Long March II C carrier rocket .


  5. Xinhuanet : It is said that Belgium is like an unfolded scroll , with all kinds of picturesque scenes , such as ancient castles , metropolis and natural landscapes .


  6. Parinya Jaroenphon , 29 , a former man and Thai boxing champion , has worked as a model and won a queen title in beauty contests since he became a woman by surgery in1999 , xinhuanet reported .


  7. BEIJING , Dec. 16 ( Xinhuanet ) - Another series of food safety scandals , and this time , it 's China 's high-end liquor industry that 's feeling the heat . It started last month when plasticizer was found in Bai Jiu produced by Jiuguijiu .
