xerox parc

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xerox parcxerox parc
  1. Xerox PARC is nurturing an experimental MUD running on its company computer .


  2. So he began urging Jobs and other Apple colleagues to go check out Xerox PARC .


  3. He did invent that interface , which originated at Xerox Parc .


  4. The original xerox parc had 3 buttons ,


  5. He has been a researcher at Xerox PARC , alias | wavefront , silicon graphics , and currently Microsoft Research .


  6. He spent those summers working at the famed Xerox PARC labs , which helped create the computer workstation as we know it .


  7. AT & T 's Bell Labs and Xerox PARC have left their glorious histories behind them , yet somehow IBM 's research culture has survived .


  8. Such structures were once more common in the US technology industry , where researchers at Bell Labs and Xerox Parc were given funding and time to pursue ambitious research projects .


  9. So Xerox PARC 's engineers began to develop user-friendly graphics that could replace all of the command lines and DOS prompts that made computer screens intimidating .


  10. This graphical user interface - or GUI , pronounced " gooey " - was facilitated by another concept pioneered at Xerox PARC : bitmapping .


  11. Bitmapping and graphical interfaces became features of Xerox PARC 's prototype computers , such as the Alto , and its object-oriented programming language , Smalltalk .


  12. In this paper , we first introduce the initial research work on pervasive computing in Xerox PARC , and then describe the connotation of pervasive computing and the transition of computer generations .


  13. Xerox PARC The Xerox Corporation 's Palo Alto Research Center , known as Xerox PARC , had been established in 1970 to create a spawning ground for digital ideas .


  14. In1998 he left the quiet Murray Hill , N.J. , campus of Bell Labs to join another fabled institution : Xerox PARC in Palo Alto , Calif.


  15. He borrowed the characteristic features of the Macintosh the mouse and the icons on the screen from the engineers at Xerox PARC , after his famous visit there , in1979 .
