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  • 网络武鸣;无名
  1. Study on Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease at Wuming Overseas Farm in Guangxi


  2. Demonstration of Audit Culture and Construction & As an Example of Wuming County Accounting Office


  3. This article select wuming county as the survey points to be a comprehensive and systematic analysis .


  4. New discovery of cave blind fish in wuming , Guangxi


  5. The Database system was applied in the Wuming County Land Use Overall Planning and has acquired preferable effect .


  6. Analysis of Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Wuming County of Guangxi Province during 1998-2008


  7. Wuming particularly in the small book !


  8. Exploitation and utilization prospects of Yilin veined stone resource in Wuming County


  9. Students sitting in the first row of the health psychology course taught by professor Lei Wuming are rewarded with snacks .


  10. And a land resources management GIS system for suburbs overlap was designed , its applied result was good in the overall plan for Wuming county land use .


  11. Wuming County Comprehensive Utilization of crop stalk the situation is very good but there exist some problems : one is to change the ideas of farmers .


  12. Lei Wuming , a professor in psychology at Wuhan University of Technology , explained that students are overwhelmed by their studies in high school .


  13. An Analysis of Zhuang People 's Rice Dumpling ( Zong ) Culture & With the Zhuang People of Wuming , Guangxi as Typical Example


  14. But Lei Wuming , professor of psychology at Wuhan University of Technology , says students should not avoid college relationships just because they may fail .


  15. Wuming , being one of the important landways of the Southwest China to the sea , has highways extending in all directions .


  16. Pineapple Chlorosis was occurred in an orchard in wuming county and was diagnosed as a physiological iron-deficiency caused by excessive manganese .


  17. It offers the digitalized data of land resources for the land planning and management bureau of Wuming County and realizes the popularization of the Database system of Land Use Overall Planning as well .


  18. Wuming belongs to the northern Zhuang area , the territory of Zhuang strong dialect , but the county and government town to pass an approximate Gui Liu dialect of Mandarin .


  19. So it is a major and resolved issue to improve the capacity of grass-roots government . Therefore , this article is aim at investigating the functions of grass-roots government in the rural infrastructure in Wuming .


  20. The basic word order of verbs and adjectives , adverbs , prepositional phrases and other modifiers were sorted out from the Wuming dialect and folk tales of Wuming Zhuang .


  21. Against this background , this paper aims to discover the problems existing in cultivating new peasants at present , analyze their reasons , and put up relevant Countermeasures for resolving them by the field investigation of the status of cultivating new peasants in Wuming County .


  22. But Lei Wuming , professor of psychology at Wuhan University of Technology , says students should not avoid college relationships just because they may fail . The purpose of being in a relationship is not merely getting married , but learning to communicate with people of the opposite sex .
