
美 [ˈrɛkərz]英 [ˈrɛkəz]
  • n.(对他人计划、关系等的)破坏者;救险车
  • wrecker的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT (事故发生后拖走坏损车辆的)救援车,救险车,清障车
    A wrecker is a motor vehicle which is used to pull broken or damaged vehicles to a place where they can be repaired or broken up, for example after an accident.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 拆除废旧建筑者
    Wreckers are people whose job involves destroying old, unwanted, or damaged buildings.

  • 3
    See also:wreck

  1. We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of Bukharinite wreckers .


  2. These people are the relationship wreckers and the misery producers .


  3. Average students hate curve wreckers .


  4. None of these solve the problem of wreckers , and clubs continue to decline in membership and quality of service as a result .


  5. I 'm now torn between my mission to return home and the hope that further investigation into the events of this time may help the Wreckers reclaim Cybertron in our own .


  6. On one trip up the highway , I came upon the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and several wreckers winching the remains of a semi2 ) up the steep cliff .


  7. I challenge you , as Toastmasters Achieving Greatness Together , to act as " builders who work with care " and to encourage the " wreckers " to build with us .


  8. But like much of China 's heritage , the 500-year-old clan temple that protected the family records during centuries of war and revolution is about to fall victim to an even more implacable force - economic development and the wreckers " ball .
