working poor

美 [ˈwɜːrkɪŋ pʊr]英 [ˈwɜːkɪŋ pɔː(r)]
  • 网络在职贫穷;穷忙族;工作贫穷
working poorworking poor
  1. What a shame . I work hard but get the poor pay - typical of the working poor .


  2. Now , more and more people are involved in " working poor . " live from paycheck to paycheck


  3. Movement out of city centers was widespread , and downtown tenants were predominantly made up of the working poor .


  4. These new taxes will break the back of the working poor .


  5. His policies made him popular with much of the rural and working poor .


  6. has neglected the needs of the working poor .


  7. Talk : does the existing service supply match the needs of working poor families ?


  8. You 've written several bookson the working poor .


  9. But as with the plight of the working poor , this too has become an embarrassment .


  10. Others say that the American Dream is beyond the reach of the working poor who must work two jobs for their family 's survival .


  11. The International Labor Organization points to increases in the unemployed , the working poor and people whose jobs are likely to be cut .


  12. Greater access to credit has put cars , computers , credit cards , and even homes within reach for many more of the working poor .


  13. We estimate in the countries for which we have data , about a quarter of young people around the world in developing countries are among the working poor .


  14. But that policy created a large contingent of working poor , people who have jobs but also qualify for welfare payments because of their low salaries .


  15. But he says another key factor is improving the delivery of basic services for the poor and ensuring there 's better , more targeted social protection-especially for the working poor .


  16. Mr Obama will most likely keep his promise to cut most households ' taxes ( relative to what current law provides , plus some extra relief for the working poor ) .


  17. It also ignores the earned-income tax credit , a wage subsidy for the working poor that is reckoned to be one of America 's most effective anti-poverty measures .


  18. The remainder of the fiscal boost could be delivered through measures tailored to country-specific circumstances , such as relief for the working poor and incentives to improve carbon dioxide efficiency .


  19. It 's designed for businessmen who worked too late to catch the train or stayed out drinking all night , but now those hotels are mainly occupied by the working poor .


  20. The wealthiest and , not coincidentally , best-educated among us now enjoy advantages over the middle class and the working poor unseen since the burnished indifference of the Golden Age .


  21. In the CYL of time , I feel very happy , but I think there are certain pressure , I know it is my time studying and working poor allocation of time , there is not strong mental capacities , Hey !


  22. " If the working poor were more productive and thereby able to earn more , poverty would decline , " the report said . " Thus , the development of productive and decent employment is essential for the sustainable reduction of poverty . "


  23. At present four lines are deepening reform , optimize the body burden of trying to change history , the rigid ways of working poor incentives , excellent brain drain , inefficient services , weaknesses , joint-stock commercial banks will bring greater competitive pressure .


  24. However , the interoperability between these systems is difficult , collaborative working is poor which forms the " information islands " .


  25. It has a lot of disadvantages , such as unattached module working , poor anti-virus ability , lacking a unified network architecture .


  26. People with less working memory have poor executive functioning and training working memory improves executive control .


  27. Research on Live Working Inspection of Poor Insulators on ± 500kV DC Transmission Line


  28. But until now , its application is limited for several defects as poor working abilities and poor mechanical performances .


  29. Now these cleaning ways in our country are all backward in technology , inefficient and their working environment is poor .


  30. The existing sewage disposal process is mainly fulfilled by handwork with low working efficiency and poor sewage disposal capability .
