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  • 网络白质病变
  1. Cognitive dysfunction caused by WMLs are mainly in memory , language and calculation and visual spatial function . The degree of Cerebral white matter lesions with cognitive impairment severity in patients were positively correlated .


  2. During the time , 22 of these patients developed WMLs following the treatment .


  3. Divided the network planning of WMLS into structure design , location layout and location evaluation .


  4. So far the pathogenic mechanisms , imaging grading , clinical meaning of WMLs are still in debate .


  5. Result : ( 1 ) Age , hypertension , stroke history , cerebral arteriosclerosis are significantly correlated with WMLs .


  6. In the remaining patients , the WMLs led to tissue breakdown , and patients with WMLs experienced a significant decrease in estimated IQ and math scores .


  7. The investigators concluded that in patients with medulloblastomas or PNET who had been treated with irradiation and high-dose radiation , WMLs are typically short-lived and do not cause symptoms .


  8. Analyzed the structure and characteristics of WMLS . Pointed out that its optimizations generally are multi-objective problems , and safety , time and cost are the main decision objectives , among which the cost objective usually is less important than other objectives .


  9. Pointed out that there is no strategy of WMLS that is absolutely better than others , different strategies are suitable to different battle objects , environments and situations , and the favorable factors and battle goals must be analyzed carefully to determine the military logistics strategy .
