without tripping

without trippingwithout tripping
  1. However , he 'll need to do so without tripping the anti-jamming system , the details of which he almost certainly does now have access to .


  2. For example , how will you clear that stone without tripping ?


  3. Can you read the article without tripping over some of those difficult foreign names ?


  4. It provides insight into what retailers are up against as hackers find ways into computer networks without tripping security systems .


  5. Via a rope ladder , the men were able to ransack the main floor without tripping any sensors or alarms .


  6. No ? Well , of course not . Who wants to admit to being unable to navigate a room without tripping over a dog ?


  7. Then all the king 's wise men came in : but they were not able to make out the writing or give the sense of it to the king . Can you read the whole of the news without tripping over some of those difficult foreign names ?
