whole synthesis

美 [hoʊl ˈsɪnθəsɪs]英 [həʊl ˈsɪnθəsɪs]
  • 整体综合
whole synthesiswhole synthesis
  1. Convenient synthetic procedures , simple synthetic conditions and high productive rates were the feature of whole synthesis process .


  2. The overall radiochemical yield with no decay correction is 25 % ~ 30 % , the whole synthesis time is about 70 min , and the radiochemical purity is above 95 % .


  3. This paper documents the merits of the manufacture of super-water absorbent resin by the whole synthesis and discusses the effecting to the products of the degree of neutralization , the amount of initiator and crosslinking agent and the temperature of reaction etc.


  4. RESULTS The corrected radiochemical yield of 18F-FDG was about 72 % , the whole synthesis time was 50 min , and the radiochemical purity was above 95 % by HPLC and TLC respectively . All quality criteria of 18F-FDG met the requirements of the pharmacopoeia of USA.


  5. The macrokinetics was investigated by relating these essential cell processes and their interaction , as well as their synergistic effect to the whole electrochemical synthesis process from an engineering application point of view .


  6. Prevent the possibility of getting the times periods of cycle . ( 2 ) Has done the detailed research to phonetic synthesis in the sonant and accomplished the whole word synthesis .


  7. Whole Mouse DNA Synthesis Inhibition Test to Detect the Carcinogenicity of Drinking Water in High Risk Areas of Gastric Cancer


  8. After a single RT molecule into the cell it can make whole cell protein synthesis stop eventually cause cell death .


  9. The whole process of synthesis is brief , and succinic acid peroxide as catalyst to synthesize brassinolide are not reported in documents .


  10. Walking system is a motorcycle trunk , it will not only bear the motorcycle itself and the entire weight of the load , and motorcycle parts and components through which a whole set of synthesis ;
