
美 [wets]英 [wets]
  • v.使潮湿;把…弄湿
  • wet的第三人称单数



  • 2
    ADJ-GRADED 湿的;潮湿的
    If something is wet, it is covered in water, rain, sweat, tears, or another liquid.

    He towelled his wet hair...


  • Her hair clung wetly to her head.


  • Anti-perspirants stop wetness, deodorants stop odour.


  • 5
    VERB (用水或其他液体)弄湿,沾湿
    To wet something means to get water or some other liquid over it.

    When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join...


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED 下雨的
    If the weather is wet, it is raining.

    If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity...


  • 7
    ADJ 未干的;湿的
    If something such as paint, ink, or cement is wet, it is not yet dry or solid.

    I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running...


  • 8
    ADJ-GRADED 尿湿的
    If a child or its nappy or clothing is wet, its nappy or clothing is soaked in urine.

    Change him when he's wet...


  • 9
    VERB 尿湿
    If people, especially children, wet their beds or clothes or wet themselves, they urinate in their beds or in their clothes because they cannot stop themselves.

    A quarter of 4-year-olds frequently wet the bed...


  • 10
    ADJ (鱼)新鲜的
    Wet fish is fish that is sold fresh and uncooked, and not frozen or dried.

  • 11
    ADJ-GRADED (人)软弱的,窝囊的,没有信心的
    If you say that someone is wet, you mean that they are weak and lacking in enthusiasm, energy, or confidence.

    Don't be so wet, Charles.

    别这么尸从, 查尔斯。

  • 12
    N-COUNT 保守党温和派成员
    A wet is a Conservative politician who supports moderate political policies and opposes extreme ones.

    The left, the so-called 'wets', thought more state spending would mean more jobs.


  • 13
    PHRASE 年轻且无经验的;乳臭未干的
    If you say that someone is still wet behind the ears, you mean that they have only recently arrived in a new place or job, and are therefore still not experienced.

  • 14
    to wet your whistle→ see:whistle

  1. He is one of Tory wets .


  2. Tony , a nine-year-old kid , is sitting at his desk when suddenly he wets his pants .


  3. Our youngest child still sometimes wets the bed at night .


  4. Optimal measurement configurations for robot calibration based on solis & Wets algorithm


  5. It never wets you and it always smells good .


  6. My brother 's blood still wets the sands , and you insult him .


  7. According to the multi-time wetting mechanism , PS solution wets template , and then forms polymer nanotubes .


  8. But before the slices become feathers , Jacobs wets the wood for at least an hour .


  9. Carbon nanotubes were a promising reinforcing material for its unique mechanical and physical properties , but metal-matrix poorly wets carbon nanotubes .


  10. As the drums rotate , the water wets the clothes and the detergent gets to work loosening the dirt .


  11. The rain wets the bloom as the bride weds the groom .


  12. The analysis of tensile fracture shows that Al-Si alloy wets alumina fibers very well , and that coherent and semicoherent mixed interface is formed .


  13. lucky that she was a tough woman in a system dominated by patrician men ( the wets never knew how to cope with her ) ;


  14. Pal is a trouble maker , it destroys everything in the house , wets on everything , and refuses to wear a leash .


  15. The offspring generation method which combines the genetic operators and Solis and Wets operator diversifys the search space and speeds up the convergence of genetic search .


  16. A new hybrid learning algorithm NHLA , which combines the variant IBP of algorithm BP and the random optimization algorithm presented by Dr Solis and Wets , is presented .


  17. A detergent wets the surface that is to be cleaned and detaches soil from it by lowering surface tensions between soil and surface , both of which are usually hydrophobic .


  18. A hybrid algorithm combining PID-BP and revised Solis & Wets random optimal method has a very fast convergence speed and can achieve the global minimum in a limit number of recursions .


  19. As the drums rotate , the water wets the clothes and the detergent gets to work loosening the dirt . Then the nylon beads mop it up .


  20. Using the method of combining perfect triangle series and power series to construct a trial function , and then , using the Least Squares Collocation Method , the bending solution of a free rectangular plate with circle loading on the double parameter foundation wets analyzed .


  21. Secondly , under the shear of whipping , two fat globules crush into each other and the MFGM between them is punctured by fat crystals , the liquid fat flows and wets crystals making two fat globules melded .


  22. In addition , the combination of genetic algorithm with progeny generated by Solis & Wets operation and optimized individual selection make the genetic search space more diverse to accelerate the genetic algorithm 's convergence , with the dynamic parameter coding used instead of Vittorio granularity coding .


  23. Introducing the binary coding in network architecture to keep the virtues of Vittorio granularity encoding , real-value coding with connecting weighting coefficients , Solis & Wets operation is carried out to bring the virtues of evolutionary programming and evolutionary strategy to the new genetic algorithm .


  24. But she was just as willing to clobber the right , sidelining old-fashioned Tory " wets " and unleashing her creed on conservative strongholds , notably by setting off the " big bang " in the City of London .
