
美 [ˌwel dɪˈspoʊzd]英 [ˌwel dɪˈspəʊzd]
  • adj.对…友好的;支持…的


inclined to help or support;not antagonistic or hostile
a government friendly to our interests
an amicable agreement
Synonym: friendly favorable


  1. He works wonderfully in a group of friendly , well-disposed , calm people – he leaves the group of highly conflict people .


  2. I should be very sorry to admit that a robust and well-disposed young man is driven to despair .


  3. The reserve bank , meanwhile , seems well-disposed to an exuberant mining sector , if it offsets weakness elsewhere .


  4. Our people are well-disposed to each other and there is broad space for subnational , cultural and people-to-people exchanges and cooperation .


  5. Mr Brown has so far given few clues about his beliefs in foreign policy beyond the fact that he is a Eurosceptic well-disposed to America .


  6. Mastering excellent trading habits is not tranquil , but those who are well-disposed and longing to get sport will find out it extraordinarily rewarding .


  7. He invited not only his kindred , friends and acquaintances , but also the wise women , in order that they might be kind and well-disposed towards the child .


  8. On the basis of magnetic-electric geophone 's characters , we design a new magnetic annulus style geophone , which can get a well-disposed wider magnetic field to make a great effect .


  9. The British government was well-disposed to finding scientific solutions to its problems , and had announced on 5 February a grand plan to plant its East African colonies with groundnuts .


  10. Alan was well-disposed towards Timothy , even though ( or perhaps because ) it had a way of launching playful swats at the typewriter keys when he was at work .


  11. Margaret , the other sister , was a good-humored , well-disposed girl ; but as she had already a good deal of Marianne 's romance , without having much of her sense , she did not , at thirteen , bid fair to equal her sisters at a more advanced period of life .
