- n.填料;(纸张、钞票等的)卷,沓,捆;填絮;衬料;用以填塞(或填衬等)的软材料
- v.(用柔软的材料)填塞,填充,衬垫;使成沓;使成卷;将…揉成团
- wad的第三人称单数和复数

He put wads of cotton in his ears to keep out noise .
Washing the wads with water , and the testing for alkalinity gave a negative result .
Oh speaking of wads look over there .
The diver put wads of cotton in his ears .
Some of the monks were later seen handing wads of cash to another man waiting nearby .
The only valid reason for my appearing in our wads was to strengthen Chrysler 's creditability .
Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag .
Have exact change for what you want to pay in a shop . Avoid showing wads of money or asking for change from a large bill .
The enraged avian creatures are everywhere , picking up wads of cash in their beaks .
A game called Paper Toss players try to throw paper wads into a trash can each sent the phone 's ID number to at least five ad companies .
But if the company whose wads of cash have it dubbed'Bank of Toyota'is asking for help , that doesn 't bode well for its rivals .
The good news : If you are savvy , you can enjoy this trio of benefits even if you don 't have great wads of cash .
Now , the fund manager who 's got wads of enormous company stock sells some shares of the fund to his buddies at the closing price of $ 50 .
I followed the trail of lanterns to their source : an empty lot near the school 's side gate . There , several families were lighting oiled wads of cloth .
Before you leave , make sure your ATM cards and credit cards will work in the countries you are visiting - it is easier than traveler 's checks or large wads of cash .
Loaded with wads of Hong Kong dollars , my colleagues landed to discover that , in contrast to previous visits , their once prized dollar was no longer the currency of choice .
The market for such cars has rocketed of late as wealthy , middle-aged buyers wade in with wads of cash to buy the machines they dreamed of owning as teenagers .
A Geneva official has confirmed a newspaper report that said wads of cut-up 500-euro notes ( about $ 600 each ) mysteriously turned up jammed into the toilets of three neighborhood restaurants and a bank in separate episodes in recent months .
In the streets , men were playing go at makeshift tables , young and old shop staff were throwing themselves into a highly skilled game of shuttlecock football , children were skipping and men and women were busily kneading great wads of dough .
Miami is one of just a few cities around the world that attract international buyers . In Hong Kong the market is buoyed by people from the mainland who slap down wads of cash . Even Dubai still attracts money from less stable places such as Iran and Iraq .