
  • 网络最大速度;最大反应速度
  1. Can we check out the engine of the vmax ?


  2. Peak clipping distortion Correlation of ABI and Vmax with the wave of doppler blood stream in diabetic patients


  3. After reperfusion 2 minutes , The Vmax continuing to decrease significantly showed that the effects of ischemic aggravated .


  4. Taurine significantly depressed the Vmax and SDR of action potential of sinoatrial node cell in heart .


  5. When adding dichlorobenzene into soils , soil urease Km values had a little change , their Vmax increased in


  6. Results : Vmax and T values were markedly low in patients with cor pulmonale compared with those with COPD .


  7. Meanwhile , four dynamic parameters : Y , Kd , vmax , KS 4 were calculated using steady-state data and dynamic equation .


  8. Organic manure also increased the acide phosphatase activity of roots , the respiration rate of root tips and Vmax .


  9. During the30-minute run time , monitoring was performed and data was collected on both the server and the Symmetrix VMAX .


  10. Difference of maximum grain filling rate ( Vmax ), maximum grain filling date and mean grain filling rate was compared between spikelet position of varieties .


  11. The Km and Vmax of effect of B on glycine uptake in C6 cells were different from those in SK-N-SH cells .


  12. Trypsins from Grass carp have high physiological efficiency of Vmax / Km and low Arrhenius activation energy ( Ea ) .


  13. The Vmax of glycogen phosphorylase from skeletal muscle is much larger than the Vmax of the same enzyme from liver .


  14. The vmax of the PVA wastewater is only a tenth of that of amylum wastewater ; treating PVA wastewater in MBR could get good effect .


  15. Moreover , the action potential amplitude ( APA ) and the VMAX of myocardial ischemic rabbit were significantly increased by Xin'an granule ( P < 0.05 ) .


  16. 2 ) Ca ~ ( 2 + ) treatment has positive effect on both of the Km and Vmax values , and thus reduces the damages from high-temperature stress .


  17. The Km and Vmax values of the enzyme on colloidal chitin were 6.91 mg / mL and 12.95 μ mol / min , respectively .


  18. The apparent Km and Vmax values for polygalacturonic acid were 1.25 mg / ml and 2,526 μ mol / min / mg , respectively .


  19. RSM ( 0.25mg / ml ) significantly shortened APD of normal action potential , with no effects on RP , APA and Vmax .


  20. Indexes of Doppler spectrum Vmax ? RI ? ACC and TA in patients with arteriosclerosis of CCA are obviously lower than those of patients with common carotid arteritis .


  21. Results The hemodynamics parameters of the thyroid arteries ( Acc , Act , Vmax ) and BCR were markedly higher than those in the normal control group ( P < 0.001 ) .


  22. In malignant group , the degree of blood abundance , peak systolic velocity ( Vmax ), RI and PI were all significantly higher than those in benign group ( P < 0 01 ) .


  23. Results : Significant differences in two dimensional image , more plentiful degree of color flow , higher resistance index ( RI ) and higher Vmax were observed in carcinoma group than those of adenoma of thyroid group .


  24. Conclusion : Angiotensin ⅱ decrease amplitude of monophasic action potential , rest membrane potential and Vmax , shorten duration of monophasic action potential and ERP , exert the effect of proarrhythmia .


  25. Results ( 1 ) The Vmax and AP of blood flow in the prosthetic valves were not significantly different at same portion in St Jude , G-K and On-x.


  26. There was also significant difference in blood flow signal density ( P < 0.05 ) but no significant difference in Vmax and RI ( P > 0.05 ) between pre - and post-contrast medium injection in malignant group .


  27. The Vmax and Km of K ~ + - HATS differed greatly among crops . There was relatively little difference ( below 50 % ) in K_m , but great in Vmax .


  28. The results indicated that SPCs and RPCs gradually decreased with the prolongation of P deprivation period , while affinity for Pi and Pi uptake rate ( Vmax ) of the plants increased continually .


  29. By substrate depletion approach , the apparent enzyme kinetics parameters michaelis constant ( Km ), maximum velocity ( Vmax ), and the intrinsic clearance ( CLint ) were determined in rat liver microsomes .


  30. The purified MatB has the activities of malonyl-CoA synthetase , showing that its Km value is 710 μ moL and Vmax is 0.209 μ moL / min / mg .
