vivid memory

美 [ˈvɪvɪd ˈmeməri]英 [ˈvɪvɪd ˈmeməri]
  • 鲜活的记忆
vivid memoryvivid memory
  1. I have a vivid memory of first time we met .


  2. I have a vivid memory of my first day at school .


  3. I still have a vivid memory for seeing you firstly on the bus


  4. In2008 must end , had many matters in this year to let me have a vivid memory .


  5. Yet this pressure remains a persistent and vivid memory for anyone who was a part of it .


  6. At some point , she retained an era of literature the most original and most vivid memory picture .


  7. I have a very vivid memory of what happened next , and it was not what I had expected .


  8. This sameness , which was expressed from space and vivid memory , was finally turned to the memory of figures .


  9. Monsoon Pabrai 's most vivid memory from her lunch was that Mr Buffett pinched her Cherry Coke , thinking it was his .


  10. My most vivid memory is being woken and brought down to sit on my father 's knee , his arm in a bandage .


  11. The circumstances of the nightmare will frighten the child , who usually will wake up with a vivid memory of a long movie-like dream .


  12. The author describes the war marked with a lot of iconic memory elements , which become lots of vivid memory symbol that will bring readers into a memory of that special period .


  13. He had a vivid memory of sitting on the lawn of his house , when he was six or seven years old , telling the girl who lived across the street .


  14. The background of " love among the haystacks " is just such a vivid memory , recalling " the haggs " & the farm where he met and loved Jessie chambers .


  15. I have such a vivid memory of reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in the high school . A mother and English professor tweeted . " It was like nothing I had read before or since . " Hannah Sommers , NPR News .


  16. The scene is still vivid in my memory .


  17. Freshest and most vivid in my memory were three particular little rivers .


  18. The availability bias is when decisions makers tend to remember events that are the most recent and vivid in their memory .


  19. We stayed up late that night , eating all the peanuts Mother had cooked for us . But Father 's words remained vivid in my memory till this day .


  20. IT HAS been 14 years since my family moved out of our old flat , but I still cherish a vivid and sweet memory of life in the long common corridor high on the 15th floor .


  21. The plays about Africa I watched back then are still vivid in my memory , such as the Battle Drum at the Equator , the Wrath of the Coconut Trees and the Storm of Africa .


  22. Whatever you did to retaliate might be just as painful * and vivid * of a memory .
