visual studio 2008

Visual Studio 2008 is selected to complete functional design and implementation .
We select Visual Studio 2008 integrated development environment as development tools , and the programming language is C # .
Software for vehicle detection and license plate recognition is realized by using OpenCV and Visual Studio 2008 .
Designing the personnel organization management platform by MS Visual Studio 2008 , the development process meets the requirement of software engineering .
A data analysis platform is designed and developed based on the experiments with which MATLAB and Visual Studio 2008 are been connected .
Finally , based on the proposed method , we use of Visual Studio 2008 + SQL Server 2005 developed a protein purification system , and the system run well .
Using Visual Studio 2008 , we designed and developed a prototype system of efficient ECC-based divisible E-cash to simulate the basic functions of the protocol .
In this issue of the research process on the system using object-oriented analysis and design ; the system using Power Designer Modeling ; use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 integrated development environment platform for system interface design and code .
The system use UML Object-Oriented analysis and design Method . The System was developed using the B / S structure and the development tool of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 , Microsoft SQL Server and Access as a background database development tool .
Database is used to manage the observation data of mining subsidence . Based on C # programming language , surface movement and deformation values calculation and data visualization is implemented by use of Visual Studio 2008 which is a visual development tool .