ventral cochlear nucleus

  • 网络蜗神经腹侧核;腹侧耳蜗核;蜗腹侧核
ventral cochlear nucleusventral cochlear nucleus
  1. AIM To observe the postnatal development of gerbil ventral cochlear nucleus .


  2. Ventral cochlear nucleus development of new postnatal gerbil


  3. Effect of monaural cochlear ablation on cell areas of ventral cochlear nucleus neurous in neonatal and adult guinea pigs


  4. METHODS The frontal sections of different aged postnatal gerbil ventral cochlear nucleus ( VCN ) were observed under microscope after Nissl staining .


  5. Most of NOS positive neurons in CNC were located in the posterior ventral cochlear nucleus ( VCN ), which were round or oval bipolar neurons .
