venous angle

美 [ˈviːnəs ˈæŋɡl]英 [ˈviːnəs ˈæŋɡl]
  • 网络静脉角;称静脉角
venous anglevenous angle
  1. Most of the right venous angle of the these cadaver locate places just superior to the sternal end of the clavicle .


  2. Objective To locate the new mark of the Right Neck-Clavicle Isosceles Triangle ( RNClT ) for the right venous angle puncture .


  3. Applied Anatomy of the Puncture of Right Venous Angle Marking at the Highest Point of the Sternal End of the Clavicle


  4. The left thoracic duct begins in the abdominal cavity as a single trunk and ascends along the left side of the aorta . It empties into the left jugular venous angle . This type of the duct occurred in 0.67 per cent .
