vegetative nervous system

美 [ˈvedʒɪteɪtɪv ˈnɜːrvəs ˈsɪstəm]英 [ˈvedʒɪtətɪv ˈnɜːvəs ˈsɪstəm]
  • 植物神经系统;植物性神经系(统);自主神经系(统)
vegetative nervous systemvegetative nervous system
  1. After the training , the brain function improved and the vegetative nervous system was adjusted better .


  2. The side reactions of vegetative nervous system in TESS were fewer .


  3. NANC Nerves & the Third Composition in the Vegetative Nervous System


  4. Effects of vegetative nervous system on dual and triple AV nodal pathways in children


  5. Dysfunction of vegetative nervous system .


  6. The disease is characterized by postural hypotension , and symptoms of vegetative nervous system and extrapyramidal system .


  7. Analysis on heart rate variability ( HRV ) was currently regarded as a noninvasive index reflecting activity of vegetative nervous system .


  8. Influence of vitamin b_1 on the heart , the vegetative nervous system and the cerebral chemo-receptors of dogs


  9. Study on Vegetative Nervous System of Goose ( Anser anser domestic )ⅱ . The Function Pattern of Parasympathetic Nervous System


  10. D : neurosis like . Neurosis of Stomach is a systemic disease resulting from the dysfunction of vegetative nervous system .


  11. This article reviews the effect of matabolic syndrome on vegetative nervous system in order to debate the relationship between matabolic syndrome and angiocardiopathy .


  12. Modern medicine believes that perimenopausal syndrome refers to a group of symptoms characterized by functional disorders of vegetative nervous system due to declined ovarian function and decreased estrogen level .


  13. During the last few vears , it has been proved that besides classical adrenergic and cholinergic nerves , there is the third composition in the vegetative nervous system .


  14. Results : The clinical features of abdominal epilepsy were recurrent severe abdominal pain mainly located around navel associated with nausea , vomiting , pale complexion and other vegetative nervous system symptoms .


  15. The autonomic nervous system is also called the visceral , vegetative , or involuntary nervous system .
